
扒 [ba1 pa2]


汉字:扒 / 拼音:ba1 pa2

to peel/ to skin/ to tear/ to pull down/ to cling to (sth on which one is climbing)/ to dig
to rake up/ to steal/ to braise/ to crawl


周扒皮周扒皮Zhou1 ba1 pi2Zhou the exploiter, archetypal character in short story 半夜雞叫|半夜鸡叫[ban4 ye4 ji1 jiao4]
ba1to peel/ to skin/ to tear/ to pull down/ to cling to (sth on which one is climbing)/ to dig
pa2to rake up/ to steal/ to braise/ to crawl
扒屋牵牛扒屋牽牛ba1 wu1 qian1 niu2to sack the home and lead off the cattle (proverb)/ to strip of everything
扒手扒手pa2 shou3pickpocket
扒拉扒拉ba1 la1to push lightly/ to flick to one side/ to get rid of
扒搂扒摟ba1 lou1to pile together/ to cram food into one's mouth (with chopsticks)/ to eat fast
扒灰扒灰pa2 hui1incest between father-in-law and daughter-in-law
扒犁扒犁pa2 li2sledge/ also written 爬犁
扒皮扒皮ba1 pi2to flay/ to skin/ (fig.) to exploit/ to take advantage of
扒窃扒竊pa2 qie4to steal/ to pick pockets/ to frisk
扒糕扒糕pa2 gao1buckwheat pudding (snack of buckwheat noodles with sauce)
扒粪扒糞ba1 fen4muckraking/ to stir up scandal/ to expose (corruption)
扒车扒車ba1 che1to pull oneself up onto a moving vehicle
扒钉扒釘ba1 ding1cramp
扒开扒開ba1 kai1to pry open or apart/ to spread (sth) open with both hands
扒头儿扒頭兒ba1 tou5 r5handhold (to pull oneself up)
扒饭扒飯pa2 fan4to push food into one's mouth using chopsticks while holding one's bowl up to one's mouth
扒高踩低扒高踩低pa2 gao1 cai3 di1crawl high, step low (idiom); unprincipled crawling, flattering one's superiors and trampling on one's juniors/ toadying and bullying
揪心扒肝揪心扒肝jiu1 xin1 ba1 gan1(idiom) extremely anxious/ anguished
煎牛扒煎牛扒jian1 niu2 ba1beef steak
煎猪扒煎豬扒jian1 zhu1 ba1pork steak
绷扒吊拷繃扒吊拷beng4 ba1 diao4 kao3to strip, tie up, hang and beat sb, an ancient torture technique
猪扒豬扒zhu1 pa2see 豬排|猪排[zhu1 pai2]
鸡扒雞扒ji1 pa2see 雞排|鸡排[ji1 pai2]



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