扔 [reng1]
汉字:扔 / 拼音:reng1
扔 | |||
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
乱扔 | 亂扔 | luan4 reng1 | to litter/ to throw away |
扔 | 扔 | reng1 | to throw/ to throw away |
扔下 | 扔下 | reng1 xia4 | to throw down/ to drop (bomb) |
扔掉 | 扔掉 | reng1 diao4 | to throw away/ to throw out |
扔弃 | 扔棄 | reng1 qi4 | to abandon/ to discard/ to throw away |
2021-05-31, 480👍, 0💬
简体:笑纹 / 繁体:笑纹 / 拼音:xiao4 wen2
简体:古晋 / 繁体:古晋 / 拼音:Gu3 jin4
简体:淡喉鹩鹛 / 繁体:淡喉鹩鹛 / 拼音:dan4 hou2 liao2 mei2
简体:秘密 / 繁体:秘密 / 拼音:mi4 mi4
简体:乙型肝炎 / 繁体:乙型肝炎 / 拼音:yi3 xing2 gan1 yan2