託 [tuo1]
汉字:託 / 拼音:tuo1
託 | |||
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异体 | 乇 托 託 讬 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
依托 | 依託 | yi1 tuo1 | to rely on/ to depend on/ support |
信托 | 信託 | xin4 tuo1 | to entrust/ trust bond (finance) |
倚托 | 倚託 | yi3 tuo1 | variant of 倚托[yi3 tuo1] |
假托 | 假託 | jia3 tuo1 | to make sth up/ also written 假托[jia3 tuo1] |
全托 | 全託 | quan2 tuo1 | full-time care (of children in a boarding nursery) |
受托 | 受託 | shou4 tuo1 | to be entrusted/ to be commissioned |
受托人 | 受託人 | shou4 tuo1 ren2 | (law) trustee |
受托者 | 受託者 | shou4 tuo1 zhe3 | trustee |
嘱托 | 囑託 | zhu3 tuo1 | to entrust a task to sb else |
央托 | 央託 | yang1 tuo1 | to request assistance/ to ask sb to do sth |
委托 | 委託 | wei3 tuo1 | to entrust/ to trust/ to commission |
委托书 | 委託書 | wei3 tuo1 shu1 | commission/ proxy/ power of attorney/ authorization/ warrant |
存托凭证 | 存託憑證 | cun2 tuo1 ping2 zheng4 | depository share/ depository receipt (DR) |
寄托 | 寄託 | ji4 tuo1 | to entrust (to sb)/ to place (one's hope, energy etc) in/ a thing in which you invest (your hope, energy etc) |
康托尔 | 康託爾 | Kang1 tuo1 er3 | Cantor (name)/ Georg Cantor (1845-1918), German mathematician, founder of set theory 集合論|集合论[ji2 he2 lun4] |
拜托 | 拜託 | bai4 tuo1 | to request sb to do sth/ please! |
美国存托凭证 | 美國存託憑證 | Mei3 guo2 Cun2 tuo1 Ping2 zheng4 | American depository receipt (ADR) |
托 | 託 | tuo1 | to trust/ to entrust/ to be entrusted with/ to act as trustee |
托拉博拉 | 託拉博拉 | Tuo1 la1 bo2 la1 | Torabora mountain area in east Afghanistan, famous for its caves |
托洛茨基 | 託洛茨基 | Tuo1 luo4 ci2 ji1 | Leon Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940), early Bolshevik leader, exiled by Stalin in 1929 and murdered in 1940 |
托词 | 託詞 | tuo1 ci2 | to make an excuse/ pretext/ excuse |
托辞 | 託辭 | tuo1 ci2 | see 託詞|托词[tuo1 ci2] |
预托证券 | 預託證券 | yu4 tuo1 zheng4 quan4 | depository receipt (DR, in share dealing) |
马托格罗索 | 馬託格羅索 | Ma3 tuo1 ge2 Luo2 suo3 | Mato Grosso, western province of Brazil |
2021-05-18, 444👍, 0💬
简体:赀财 / 繁体:赀财 / 拼音:zi1 cai2
汉字:乎 / 拼音:hu1
简体:七叶树 / 繁体:七叶树 / 拼音:qi1 ye4 shu4
简体:吕梁市 / 繁体:吕梁市 / 拼音:Lu:3 liang2 shi4
简体:陆征祥 / 繁体:陆征祥 / 拼音:Lu4 Zheng1 xiang2