
訓 [xun4]


汉字:訓 / 拼音:xun4

xùn to teach/ to train/ to admonish/ instruction (from superiors)/ teachings/ rule


不足为训不足為訓bu4 zu2 wei2 xun4not to be taken as an example/ not an example to be followed/ not to be taken as authoritative
受训受訓shou4 xun4to receive training
古训古訓gu3 xun4old adage/ ancient teaching
吸取教训吸取教訓xi1 qu3 jiao4 xun5to draw a lesson (from a setback)
在职训练在職訓練zai4 zhi2 xun4 lian4on-the-job training
培训培訓pei2 xun4to cultivate/ to train/ to groom/ training
培训班培訓班pei2 xun4 ban1training class
家训家訓jia1 xun4instructions to one's children/ family precepts
山中圣训山中聖訓shan1 zhong1 sheng4 xun4the Sermon on the Mount
庭训庭訓ting2 xun4tuition within family/ education from father
彝训彞訓yi2 xun4regular exhortations
政训处政訓處zheng4 xun4 chu4political training office (during Chinese revolution, since renamed political division 政治部)
故训故訓gu4 xun4old teaching (e.g. religious instruction)
教训教訓jiao4 xun5lesson/ moral/ to chide sb/ to lecture sb
整训整訓zheng3 xun4to drill troops/ to build up and train
校训校訓xiao4 xun4school motto
短训班短訓班duan3 xun4 ban1short training course
精神训话精神訓話jing1 shen2 xun4 hua4pep talk
结训結訓jie2 xun4to complete the training course (Tw)
圣训聖訓sheng4 xun4sage's instructions/ imperial edict
声训聲訓sheng1 xun4explaining a character or word by using a homophone
xun4to teach/ to train/ to admonish/ instruction (from superiors)/ teachings/ rule
训令訓令xun4 ling4order/ instruction
训导职务訓導職務xun4 dao3 zhi2 wu4ministry/ the teaching of a religious leader
训导处訓導處xun4 dao3 chu4dean of students office (Tw)
训戒訓戒xun4 jie4variant of 訓誡|训诫[xun4 jie4]
训斥訓斥xun4 chi4to reprimand/ to rebuke/ to berate/ stern criticism
训条訓條xun4 tiao2instruction/ order/ maxim
训民正音訓民正音Xun4 min2 Zheng4 yin1Korean text HunMin JongUm promulgated by Sejong Daewang in 1418 to introduce hangeul
训兽术訓獸術xun4 shou4 shu4animal training/ taming wild beast (e.g. lion-taming)




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