Search Interface to CC-CEDICT
How to use CC-CEDICT Chinese English Dictionary?
Enter a simple word in Chinese or English, and click the "Search" button. All matched entries will be displayed in the result area.
Examples: 字典, dictionary.
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Matched Entries from CC-CEDICT:
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
字典 | 字典 | zi4 dian3 | Chinese character dictionary (containing entries for single characters, contrasted with a 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3], which has entries for words of one or more characters)/ (coll.) dictionary/ CL:本[ben3] |
康熙字典 | 康熙字典 | Kang1 xi1 Zi4 dian3 | the Kangxi Dictionary, named after the Kangxi Emperor, who in 1710 ordered its compilation, containing 47,035 single-character entries |
张廷玉 | 張廷玉 | Zhang1 Ting2 yu4 | Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politician, senior minister to three successive emperors, oversaw compilation of History of the Ming Dynasty 明史[Ming2 shi3] and the Kangxi Dictionary 康熙字典[Kang1 xi1 Zi4 dian3] |
活字典 | 活字典 | huo2 zi4 dian3 | walking dictionary/ well-informed person |
汉语大字典 | 漢語大字典 | Han4 yu3 Da4 Zi4 dian3 | Hanyu Da Zidian, one of the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionaries with 54,678 (and later 60,370) entries, first published between 1986-1990 |
Note: Chinese English Dictionary data is provided by CC-CEDICT.
⇐ Implementting Web Interface to CEDICT
2021-04-05, 7761🔥, 0💬
简体:嗦 / 繁体:嗦 / 拼音:suo1
简体:摊牌 / 繁体:摊牌 / 拼音:tan1 pai2
简体:仁术 / 繁体:仁术 / 拼音:ren2 shu4
简体:三江并流 / 繁体:三江并流 / 拼音:San1 jiang1 bing4 liu2
简体:游惰 / 繁体:游惰 / 拼音:you2 duo4