
記 [ji4]


汉字:記 / 拼音:ji4

to record/ to note/ to memorize/ to remember/ mark/ sign/ classifier for blows, kicks, shots


USB记忆棒USB記憶棒U S B ji4 yi4 bang4USB flash drive/ see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
三国史记三國史記San1 guo2 shi3 ji4History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), the oldest extant Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik 金富軾|金富轼[Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three kingdoms are Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2], Baekje 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4], Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2].
不记名不記名bu4 ji4 ming2see 無記名|无记名[wu2 ji4 ming2]
不记名投票不記名投票bu4 ji4 ming2 tou2 piao4secret ballot
五人墓碑记五人墓碑記wu3 ren2 mu4 bei1 ji4Five tombstone inscriptions (1628), written by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥[Zhang1 Pu3]
以斯帖记以斯帖記Yi3 si1 tie3 ji4Book of Esther
以斯拉记以斯拉記Yi3 si1 la1 Ji4Book of Ezra
作笔记作筆記zuo4 bi3 ji4to take notes
倚天屠龙记倚天屠龍記Yi3 tian1 Tu2 long2 Ji4Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, wuxia (武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2], martial arts chivalry) novel by Jin Yong 金庸[Jin1 Yong1] and its screen adaptations
借记借記jie4 ji4to debit
借记卡借記卡jie4 ji4 ka3debit card
传记傳記zhuan4 ji4biography/ CL:篇[pian1],部[bu4]
出埃及记出埃及記Chu1 ai1 ji2 ji4Book of Exodus/ Second Book of Moses
切记切記qie4 ji4remember at all costs
列王记上列王記上Lie4 wang2 ji4 shang4First book of Kings
列王记下列王記下Lie4 wang2 ji4 xia4Second book of Kings
利未记利未記Li4 wei4 ji4Book of Leviticus/ Third Book of Moses
副书记副書記fu4 shu1 ji5deputy secretary
创世记創世記Chuang4 shi4 ji4Book of Genesis/ First Book of Moses
创记录創記錄chuang4 ji4 lu4to set a record
助记方法助記方法zhu4 ji4 fang1 fa3mnemonic method
助记符助記符zhu4 ji4 fu2mnemonic sign
博闻强记博聞強記bo2 wen2 qiang2 ji4have wide learning and a retentive memory/ have encyclopedic knowledge
印记印記yin4 ji4imprint/ trace
可扩展标记语言可擴展標記語言ke3 kuo4 zhan3 biao1 ji4 yu3 yan2extensible markup language (XML)
史记史記Shi3 ji4Records of the Grand Historian, by 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1], first of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3]
和记黄埔和記黃埔He2 ji4 huang2 pu3Hutchison Whampoa
哈克贝利·芬历险记哈克貝利·芬歷險記Ha1 ke4 bei4 li4 · Fen1 Li4 xian3 Ji4Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1]
场记板場記板chang3 ji4 ban3clapper board
士师记士師記Shi4 shi1 ji4Book of Judges




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