
取 [qu3]


汉字:取 / 拼音:qu3

to take/ to get/ to choose/ to fetch


一介不取一介不取yi1 jie4 bu4 qu3to not even take a penny (as a bribe)
以貌取人以貌取人yi3 mao4 qu3 ren2to judge sb by appearances (idiom)
借取借取jie4 qu3to borrow
偷取偷取tou1 qu3to steal
备取備取bei4 qu3to be on the waiting list (for admission to a school)
分文不取分文不取fen1 wen2 bu4 qu3to give for free
割取割取ge1 qu3to cut off
博取博取bo2 qu3to win (favors, confidence etc)
去取去取qu4 qu3to accept or reject
去取之间去取之間qu4 qu3 zhi1 jian1undecided between taking and leaving
qu3to take/ to get/ to choose/ to fetch
取之不尽,用之不竭取之不盡,用之不竭qu3 zhi1 bu4 jin4 , yong4 zhi1 bu4 jie2limitless supply (of)/ inexhaustible
取代取代qu3 dai4to replace/ to supersede/ to supplant/ (chemistry) substitution
取代基取代基qu3 dai4 ji1substituent (chemistry)
取保候审取保候審qu3 bao3 hou4 shen3release from custody, subject to provision of a surety, pending investigation (PRC)
取保释放取保釋放qu3 bao3 shi4 fang4to be released on bail (law)
取信取信qu3 xin4to win the trust of
取其精华取其精華qu3 qi2 jing1 hua2to take the best/ to absorb the essence
取其精华,去其糟粕取其精華,去其糟粕qu3 qi2 jing1 hua2 , qu4 qi2 zao1 po4take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan)/ keep what is good, discard the rest/ You need to be selective when studying./ In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas.
取出取出qu3 chu1to take out/ to extract/ to draw out
取胜取勝qu3 sheng4to score a victory/ to prevail over one's opponents
取名取名qu3 ming2to name/ to be named/ to christen/ to seek fame
取向取向qu3 xiang4orientation/ direction
取回取回qu3 hui2to retrieve
取巧取巧qu3 qiao3quick fix/ opportune short cut (around a difficulty)/ cheap trick (to get what one wants)/ to pull a fast one
取得取得qu3 de2to acquire/ to get/ to obtain
取得一致取得一致qu3 de2 yi1 zhi4to reach a consensus
取得胜利取得勝利qu3 de2 sheng4 li4to prevail/ to achieve victory/ to be victorious
取悦取悅qu3 yue4to try to please
取舍取捨qu3 she3to choose/ to accept or reject




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