
叛 [pan4]


汉字:叛 / 拼音:pan4

pàn to betray/ to rebel/ to revolt


三藩叛乱三藩叛亂San1 fan1 pan4 luan4rebellion against the Qing of 1670s, pacified by Kangxi
反叛反叛fan3 pan4to rebel/ to revolt
反叛分子反叛份子fan3 pan4 fen4 zi3insurgent/ rebel
pan4to betray/ to rebel/ to revolt
叛乱叛亂pan4 luan4armed rebellion
叛乱罪叛亂罪pan4 luan4 zui4the crime of armed rebellion
叛匪叛匪pan4 fei3rebel bandit
叛国叛國pan4 guo2treason
叛国罪叛國罪pan4 guo2 zui4the crime of treason
叛徒叛徒pan4 tu2traitor/ turncoat/ rebel/ renegade/ insurgent
叛教叛教pan4 jiao4apostasy
叛变叛變pan4 bian4to defect/ to betray/ to mutiny
叛贼叛賊pan4 zei2renegade/ traitor
叛卖叛賣pan4 mai4to betray
叛军叛軍pan4 jun1rebel army
叛逃叛逃pan4 tao2to defect/ to desert/ to betray and flee
叛逆叛逆pan4 ni4to rebel/ to revolt/ a rebel
叛逆者叛逆者pan4 ni4 zhe3traitor
叛离叛離pan4 li2to betray/ to desert/ to defect from/ to turn renegade
叛党叛黨pan4 dang3to betray one's party/ to defect (from the communist party)/ renegade faction
平叛平叛ping2 pan4to put down a revolt/ to pacify a rebellion
招降纳叛招降納叛zhao1 xiang2 na4 pan4to recruit surrendered enemy and deserters (idiom); to gather together a gang of villains
众叛亲离眾叛親離zhong4 pan4 qin1 li2lit. people rebelling and friends deserting (idiom)/ fig. to find oneself utterly isolated
私谋叛国私謀叛國si1 mou2 pan4 guo2to secretly plan treason (idiom)
背叛背叛bei4 pan4to betray
背叛者背叛者bei4 pan4 zhe3traitor
离经叛道離經叛道li2 jing1 pan4 dao4to rebel against orthodoxy/ to depart from established practices



2021-05-28, 518👍, 0💬