
反 [fan3]


汉字:反 / 拼音:fan3

fǎn contrary/ in reverse/ inside out or upside down/ to reverse/ to return/ to oppose/ opposite/ against/ anti-/ to rebel/ to use analogy/ instead/ abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system


一反常态一反常態yi1 fan3 chang2 tai4complete change from the normal state (idiom); quite uncharacteristic/ entirely outside the norm/ out of character
一反往常一反往常yi1 fan3 wang3 chang2contrary to usual/ unlike what usually happens
三反三反san1 fan3"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52
三反运动三反運動san1 fan3 yun4 dong4"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52
倒反倒反dao4 fan3instead/ on the contrary/ contrary (to expectations)
偶联反应偶聯反應ou3 lian2 fan3 ying4chain reaction (chemistry)
免疫反应免疫反應mian3 yi4 fan3 ying4immune response
出尔反尔出爾反爾chu1 er3 fan3 er3old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word/ to blow hot and cold/ to contradict oneself/ inconsistent
动力反应堆動力反應堆dong4 li4 fan3 ying4 dui1power reactor
化学反应化學反應hua4 xue2 fan3 ying4chemical reaction
原子反应堆原子反應堆yuan2 zi3 fan3 ying4 dui1atomic reactor
fan3contrary/ in reverse/ inside out or upside down/ to reverse/ to return/ to oppose/ opposite/ against/ anti-/ to rebel/ to use analogy/ instead/ abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system
反串反串fan3 chuan4(Chinese opera) to play a role outside of one's specialty/ (modern) to play a transvestite role/ to masquerade as an opponent
反之反之fan3 zhi1on the other hand.../ conversely...
反之亦然反之亦然fan3 zhi1 yi4 ran2vice versa
反人道罪反人道罪fan3 ren2 dao4 zui4a crime against humanity
反人道罪行反人道罪行fan3 ren2 dao4 zui4 xing2crime against humanity
反人类反人類fan3 ren2 lei4inhuman
反人类罪反人類罪fan3 ren2 lei4 zui4crimes against humanity
反作用反作用fan3 zuo4 yong4opposite reaction
反例反例fan3 li4counterexample
反倒反倒fan3 dao4but on the contrary/ but expectedly
反侧反側fan3 ce4to toss and turn
反传算法反傳算法fan3 chuan2 suan4 fa3back propagation algorithm
反倾销反傾銷fan3 qing1 xiao1anti-dumping
反光反光fan3 guang1to reflect light
反光镜反光鏡fan3 guang1 jing4reflector (typically concave, as in a torch)/ mirror (typically plane or convex)
反光面反光面fan3 guang1 mian4reflecting surface
反共反共fan3 gong4anti-communist
反其道而行之反其道而行之fan3 qi2 dao4 er2 xing2 zhi1to do the very opposite/ to act in a diametrically opposite way




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