
禿 [tu1]


汉字:禿 / 拼音:tu1

bald/ blunt
异体 禿


光秃秃光禿禿guang1 tu1 tu1bald/ bare
圆秃圓禿yuan2 tu1spot baldness (alopecia areata)
对着和尚骂贼秃對著和尚罵賊禿dui4 zhe5 he2 shang5 ma4 zei2 tu1lit. in the presence of a monk, insult another monk, calling him a bald-headed bandit (idiom)/ fig. to insult indirectly/ to criticize obliquely
指着和尚骂秃子指着和尚罵禿子zhi3 zhe5 he2 shang5 ma4 tu1 zi5lit. to insult a bald man while pointing at a monk (idiom)/ fig. to insult indirectly/ to criticize obliquely
班秃班禿ban1 tu1spot baldness (alopecia areata)
禿tu1bald/ blunt
秃子禿子tu1 zi5bald-headed person/ baldy
秃宝盖禿寶蓋tu1 bao3 gai4name of "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14)/ see also 冖[mi4]
秃瓢禿瓢tu1 piao2bald head (colloquial)
秃疮禿瘡tu1 chuang1(dialect) favus of the scalp (skin disease)
秃发禿發Tu1 fa1a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people
秃顶禿頂tu1 ding3bald head
秃头禿頭tu1 tou2baldness
秃驴禿驢tu1 lu:2(derog.) Buddhist monk
秃鹫禿鷲tu1 jiu4vulture/ (bird species of China) cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus)
秃鹰禿鷹tu1 ying1condor/ bald eagle
秃鹳禿鸛tu1 guan4(bird species of China) lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus)
秃鼻乌鸦禿鼻烏鴉tu1 bi2 wu1 ya1(bird species of China) rook (Corvus frugilegus)
贼秃賊禿zei2 tu1(derog.) Buddhist monk



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