
装 [zhuang1]


汉字:装 / 拼音:zhuang1

zhuāng adornment/ to adorn/ dress/ clothing/ costume (of an actor in a play)/ to play a role/ to pretend/ to install/ to fix/ to wrap (sth in a bag)/ to load/ to pack


三件套式西装三件套式西裝san1 jian4 tao4 shi4 xi1 zhuang1three-piece suit
上装上裝shang4 zhuang1upper garment
下装下裝xia4 zhuang1to take off costume and makeup/ bottom garment (trousers etc)
不懂装懂不懂裝懂bu4 dong3 zhuang1 dong3to pretend to understand when you don't
中国人民武装警察部队中國人民武裝警察部隊Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Wu3 zhuang1 Jing3 cha2 Bu4 dui4Chinese People's Armed Police Force (PAP, aka CAPF)
中山装中山裝zhong1 shan1 zhuang1Chinese tunic suit
中装中裝zhong1 zhuang1Chinese dress
佯装佯裝yang2 zhuang1to pretend/ to pose as
便装便裝bian4 zhuang1casual dress
个人防护装备個人防護裝備ge4 ren2 fang2 hu4 zhuang1 bei4individual protective equipment
倒装倒裝dao4 zhuang1inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect)/ anastrophe
倒装句倒裝句dao4 zhuang1 ju4inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect)/ anastrophe
倩装倩裝qian4 zhuang1elegant adornment/ finely dressed up
假装假裝jia3 zhuang1to feign/ to pretend
伪装偽裝wei3 zhuang1to pretend to be (asleep etc)/ to disguise oneself as/ pretense/ disguise/ (military) to camouflage/ camouflage
传动装置傳動裝置chuan2 dong4 zhuang1 zhi4transmission (i.e. gears)
内装內裝nei4 zhuang1filled with/ internal decoration/ installed inside
全副武装全副武裝quan2 fu4 wu3 zhuang1fully armed/ armed to the teeth/ fig. fully equipped
分装分裝fen1 zhuang1to divide into portions/ to package in smaller quantities/ to separate into loads
分装机分裝機fen1 zhuang1 ji1racking machine/ filling machine
包装包裝bao1 zhuang1to pack/ to package/ to wrap/ packaging
包装物包裝物bao1 zhuang1 wu4packaging
包装纸包裝紙bao1 zhuang1 zhi3wrapping paper
化装化裝hua4 zhuang1(of actors) to make up/ to disguise oneself
卸装卸裝xie4 zhuang1(of an actor) to remove makeup and costume/ (computing) to uninstall/ to unmount
原装原裝yuan2 zhuang1genuine/ intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)
古装古裝gu3 zhuang1ancient costume/ period costume (in movies etc)
古装剧古裝劇gu3 zhuang1 ju4costume drama
吊装吊裝diao4 zhuang1to construct by hoisting ready-built components into place
唐装唐裝Tang2 zhuang1Tang suit (traditional Chinese jacket)




2021-05-03, 510👍, 0💬