
開 [kai1]


汉字:開 / 拼音:kai1

kāi to open/ to start/ to turn on/ to boil/ to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)/ to operate (a vehicle)/ carat (gold)/ abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1 er3 wen2]/ abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1 ben3], book format


一夫当关,万夫莫开一夫當關,萬夫莫開yi1 fu1 dang1 guan1 , wan4 fu1 mo4 kai1one man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies (idiom)
一把钥匙开一把锁一把鑰匙開一把鎖yi1 ba3 yao4 shi5 kai1 yi1 ba3 suo3One key opens one lock./ There is a different solution for each problem. (idiom)
三七开三七開san1 qi1 kai1ratio seventy to thirty/ thirty percent failure, seventy percent success
三七开定论三七開定論san1 qi1 kai1 ding4 lun4thirty percent failure, seventy percent success, the official PRC verdict on Mao Zedong
不可开交不可開交bu4 ke3 kai1 jiao1to be awfully (busy etc)
不开窍不開竅bu4 kai1 qiao4unable to understand/ can't get the point
丢开丟開diu1 kai1to cast or put aside/ to forget for a while
亚洲开发银行亞洲開發銀行Ya4 zhou1 Kai1 fa1 Yin2 hang2Asian Development Bank
伸开伸開shen1 kai1to stretch out
保险解开系统保險解開系統bao3 xian3 jie3 kai1 xi4 tong3arming system
信口开合信口開合xin4 kou3 kai1 he2variant of 信口開河|信口开河[xin4 kou3 kai1 he2]
信口开河信口開河xin4 kou3 kai1 he2to speak without thinking (idiom)/ to blurt sth out
倒开倒開dao4 kai1to reverse a vehicle/ to drive backwards
传开傳開chuan2 kai1(of news) to spread/ to get around
免开尊口免開尊口mian3 kai1 zun1 kou3keep your thoughts to yourself
八开八開ba1 kai1octavo
公共开支公共開支gong1 gong4 kai1 zhi1public expenditure
公开公開gong1 kai1public/ to publish/ to make public
公开信公開信gong1 kai1 xin4open letter
公开化公開化gong1 kai1 hua4to publicize/ openness (of government, PRC equivalent of "glasnost")
公开指责公開指責gong1 kai1 zhi3 ze2to denounce
公开讨论会公開討論會gong1 kai1 tao3 lun4 hui4open forum
公开赛公開賽gong1 kai1 sai4(sports) open championship/ open (as in "the US Open")
公开钥匙公開鑰匙gong1 kai1 yao4 shi5public key (in encryption)
再开再開zai4 kai1to reopen/ to start again
分开分開fen1 kai1to separate/ to part
别开生面別開生面bie2 kai1 sheng1 mian4to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path/ to break fresh ground
劈开劈開pi1 kai1to cleave/ to split open/ to spread open (fingers, legs)
化开化開hua4 kai1to spread out after being diluted or melted/ to dissolve into a liquid
半公开半公開ban4 gong1 kai1semiovert/ more or less open




2021-05-03, 637👍, 0💬