
閉 [bi4]


汉字:閉 / 拼音:bi4

to close/ to stop up/ to shut/ to obstruct


便闭便閉bian4 bi4see 便秘[bian4 mi4]
倒闭倒閉dao3 bi4to go bankrupt/ to close down
吃闭门羹吃閉門羹chi1 bi4 men2 geng1to be refused entrance (idiom)/ to find the door closed
夜不闭户夜不閉戶ye4 bu4 bi4 hu4lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society
密闭密閉mi4 bi4sealed/ airtight
密闭式循环再呼吸水肺系统密閉式循環再呼吸水肺系統mi4 bi4 shi4 xun2 huan2 zai4 hu1 xi1 shui3 fei4 xi4 tong3closed-circuit rebreather scuba (diving)
密闭舱密閉艙mi4 bi4 cang1sealed cabin
密闭货舱密閉貨艙mi4 bi4 huo4 cang1sealed cabin
密闭门密閉門mi4 bi4 men2airtight door
封闭封閉feng1 bi4to seal/ to close/ to confine/ to seal off/ to close down/ sealed/ confined/ closed/ unreceptive
封闭性封閉性feng1 bi4 xing4encapsulation
封闭性开局封閉性開局Feng1 bi4 xing4 Kai1 ju2Closed Game/ Double Queen Pawn Opening (chess)/ same as 雙后前兵開局|双后前兵开局
巴闭巴閉ba1 bi4arrogant/ flashy/ impressive (Cantonese)
幽闭恐惧幽閉恐懼you1 bi4 kong3 ju4claustrophobia
幽闭恐惧症幽閉恐懼症you1 bi4 kong3 ju4 zheng4claustrophobia
撒手闭眼撒手閉眼sa1 shou3 bi4 yan3to have nothing further to do with a matter (idiom)
深闭固拒深閉固拒shen1 bi4 gu4 ju4deep, closed and refusing (idiom); obstinate/ stubborn and perverse
牙关紧闭症牙關緊閉症ya2 guan1 jin3 bi4 zheng4lockjaw/ trismus
癃闭癃閉long2 bi4illness having to do with obstruction of urine flow/ (Chinese medicine)/ retention of urine
睁一眼闭一眼睜一眼閉一眼zheng1 yi1 yan3 bi4 yi1 yan3to turn a blind eye
睁一只眼闭一只眼睜一隻眼閉一隻眼zheng1 yi1 zhi1 yan3 bi4 yi1 zhi1 yan3to turn a blind eye
睁只眼闭只眼睜隻眼閉隻眼zheng1 zhi1 yan3 bi4 zhi1 yan3to turn a blind eye
经闭經閉jing1 bi4amenorrhoea
紧闭緊閉jin3 bi4to close securely/ tightly closed/ secure
自闭症自閉症zi4 bi4 zheng4autism
bi4to close/ to stop up/ to shut/ to obstruct
闭上閉上bi4 shang5to close/ to shut up
闭上嘴巴閉上嘴巴bi4 shang5 zui3 ba1Shut up!
闭元音閉元音bi4 yuan2 yin1close vowel
闭包閉包bi4 bao1closure (math.)




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