跌 [die1]
汉字:跌 / 拼音:die1
跌 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
下跌 | 下跌 | xia4 die1 | to fall/ to tumble |
回跌 | 回跌 | hui2 die1 | to fall back (of water level or share prices) |
大跌 | 大跌 | da4 die1 | large fall |
大跌市 | 大跌市 | da4 die1 shi4 | great market fall/ market crash |
大跌眼镜 | 大跌眼鏡 | da4 die1 yan3 jing4 | (fig.) to be astounded |
摔跌 | 摔跌 | shuai1 die1 | to take a fall |
扑跌 | 撲跌 | pu1 die1 | to fall flat on one's face/ (martial arts) pouncing and falling (i.e. all kinds of moves) |
暴跌 | 暴跌 | bao4 die1 | (economics) to slump/ steep fall (in value etc) |
涨跌 | 漲跌 | zhang3 die1 | rise or fall in price |
涨跌幅限制 | 漲跌幅限制 | zhang3 die1 fu2 xian4 zhi4 | limit up, limit down/ limit on daily price variation |
狂跌 | 狂跌 | kuang2 die1 | crazy fall (in prices) |
猛跌 | 猛跌 | meng3 die1 | drop sharply (e.g. stock prices) |
续跌 | 續跌 | xu4 die1 | to continue to fall (of share prices) |
跌 | 跌 | die1 | to fall/ to tumble/ to trip/ (of prices etc) to drop/ Taiwan pr. [die2] |
跌交 | 跌交 | die1 jiao1 | variant of 跌跤[die1 jiao1] |
跌份 | 跌份 | die1 fen4 | (coll.) to lose face |
跌倒 | 跌倒 | die1 dao3 | to tumble/ to fall/ fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business) |
跌停板 | 跌停板 | die1 ting2 ban3 | daily lower limit on the price of a stock |
跌价 | 跌價 | die1 jia4 | to fall in price |
跌宕 | 跌宕 | die1 dang4 | uninhibited/ free and unconstrained/ rhythmical |
跌宕昭彰 | 跌宕昭彰 | die1 dang4 zhao1 zhang1 | flowing (of prose)/ free |
跌市 | 跌市 | die1 shi4 | falling stock prices/ bear market |
跌幅 | 跌幅 | die1 fu2 | decline (in value)/ extent of a drop |
跌打损伤 | 跌打損傷 | die1 da3 sun3 shang1 | injury such as contusion, sprain or fracture from falling, blow etc |
跌打药 | 跌打藥 | die1 da3 yao4 | liniment |
跌扑 | 跌撲 | die1 pu1 | to tumble/ to stumble and fall |
跌断 | 跌斷 | die1 duan4 | to fall and fracture (a leg, vertebra etc) |
跌水 | 跌水 | die1 shui3 | drop of height in waterway/ staircase of waterfalls |
跌眼镜 | 跌眼鏡 | die1 yan3 jing4 | to be taken aback |
跌破 | 跌破 | die1 po4 | (of a market index etc) to fall below (a given level)/ to be injured or damaged as a result of a fall |
2021-05-15, 609👍, 0💬
简体:鄦 / 繁体:鄦 / 拼音:xu3
汉字:破 / 拼音:po4
简体:遛 / 繁体:遛 / 拼音:liu4
简体:卢梭 / 繁体:卢梭 / 拼音:Lu2 suo1
简体:同款 / 繁体:同款 / 拼音:tong2 kuan3