
跋 [ba2]


汉字:跋 / 拼音:ba2

postscript/ to trek across mountains


嚣张跋扈囂張跋扈xiao1 zhang1 ba2 hu4arrogant and despotic
序跋序跋xu4 ba2preface and postscript
拓跋拓跋Tuo4 ba2branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people, founders of Wei 北魏 of the Northern Dynasties (386-534)/ also written 拓拔
拓跋魏拓跋魏Tuo4 ba2 Wei4Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534)
ba2postscript/ to trek across mountains
跋前踬后跋前躓後ba2 qian2 zhi4 hou4to trip forwards or stumble back (idiom, from Book of Songs); can't get anything right
跋山涉水跋山涉水ba2 shan1 she4 shui3to travel over land and water (idiom)
跋扈跋扈ba2 hu4domineering/ bossy
跋涉跋涉ba2 she4to trudge/ to trek
跋语跋語ba2 yu3short comment or critical appraisal added at the end of a text, on a painting etc
长途跋涉長途跋涉chang2 tu2 ba2 she4long and difficult trek
题跋題跋ti2 ba2short comments/ preface and postscript
飞扬跋扈飛揚跋扈fei1 yang2 ba2 hu4bossy and domineering/ throwing one's weight about



2021-05-04, 432👍, 0💬