
譽 [yu4]


汉字:譽 / 拼音:yu4

to praise/ to acclaim/ reputation


不名誉不名譽bu4 ming2 yu4disreputable/ disgraceful
交口称誉交口稱譽jiao1 kou3 cheng1 yu4voices unanimous in praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation
享誉享譽xiang3 yu4to be renowned
令誉令譽ling4 yu4honorable reputation
信誉信譽xin4 yu4prestige/ distinction/ reputation/ trust
名誉名譽ming2 yu4fame/ reputation/ honor/ honorary/ emeritus (of retired professor)
名誉博士名譽博士ming2 yu4 bo2 shi4honorary doctorate/ Doctor Honoris Causae
名誉博士学位名譽博士學位ming2 yu4 bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4honorary doctorate/ Doctor Honoris Causae
名誉学位名譽學位ming2 yu4 xue2 wei4honorary degree/ academic degree Honoris Causa
名誉扫地名譽掃地ming2 yu4 sao3 di4to be thoroughly discredited/ to fall into disrepute
商誉商譽shang1 yu4reputation of a firm's product
恢复名誉恢復名譽hui1 fu4 ming2 yu4to rehabilitate/ to regain one's good name
惠誉惠譽Hui4 yu4Fitch, credit rating agency
荣誉榮譽rong2 yu4honor/ credit/ glory/ (honorable) reputation/ honorary
荣誉博士榮譽博士rong2 yu4 bo2 shi4honorary doctorate/ Doctor Honoris Causae
荣誉博士学位榮譽博士學位rong2 yu4 bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4honorary doctorate/ Doctor Honoris Causae
荣誉学位榮譽學位rong2 yu4 xue2 wei4honorary degree/ (U.K. etc) honours degree
荣誉教授榮譽教授rong2 yu4 jiao4 shou4emeritus professor
荣誉军人榮譽軍人rong2 yu4 jun1 ren2disabled soldier/ serviceman wounded in action
沽名钓誉沽名釣譽gu1 ming2 diao4 yu4to angle for fame (idiom)/ to fish for compliments
盛誉盛譽sheng4 yu4flourishing reputation
称誉稱譽cheng1 yu4to acclaim/ to sing the praises of
美誉美譽mei3 yu4fame/ good reputation/ famous for sth
声誉聲譽sheng1 yu4reputation/ fame
虚誉虛譽xu1 yu4imaginary reputation/ empty fame
yu4to praise/ to acclaim/ reputation
赞誉贊譽zan4 yu4to praise/ recognition
过誉過譽guo4 yu4to praise too much/ I really don't deserve so much praise
隽誉雋譽jun4 yu4high fame
面誉面譽mian4 yu4to praise sb in his presence



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