
護 [hu4]


汉字:護 / 拼音:hu4

to protect


一类保护动物一類保護動物yi1 lei4 bao3 hu4 dong4 wu4class A protected animal
三北防护林三北防護林San1 bei3 Fang2 hu4 lin2Green Wall of China, a massive afforestation program on the eastern margin of the Gobi Desert aimed at stopping the desert's expansion, started in 1978 and planned to be completed by 2050
中国国家环境保护总局中國國家環境保護總局Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 jia1 Huan2 jing4 Bao3 hu4 Zong3 ju2PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)
伊通自然保护区伊通自然保護區Yi1 tong1 zi4 ran2 bao3 hu4 qu1Yitong nature reserve in Yitong Manchurian autonomous county 伊通滿族自治縣|伊通满族自治县, Siping, Jilin
佑护佑護you4 hu4blessing
保护保護bao3 hu4to protect/ to defend/ to safeguard/ protection/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
保护主义保護主義bao3 hu4 zhu3 yi4protectionism
保护人保護人bao3 hu4 ren2guardian/ carer/ patron
保护伞保護傘bao3 hu4 san3protective umbrella/ fig. person affording protection (esp. corrupt)
保护剂保護劑bao3 hu4 ji4protective agent
保护区保護區bao3 hu4 qu1conservation district/ CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
保护国保護國bao3 hu4 guo2protectorate
保护性保護性bao3 hu4 xing4protective
保护模式保護模式bao3 hu4 mo2 shi4protected mode
保护神保護神bao3 hu4 shen2patron saint/ guardian angel
保护者保護者bao3 hu4 zhe3protector
保护色保護色bao3 hu4 se4protective coloration/ camouflage
保驾护航保駕護航bao3 jia4 hu4 hang2(idiom) to safeguard (sth)/ to protect (sth)
个人防护装备個人防護裝備ge4 ren2 fang2 hu4 zhuang1 bei4individual protective equipment
偏护偏護pian1 hu4to protect a croney/ to give unprincipled support
全国重点文物保护单位全國重點文物保護單位Quan2 guo2 Zhong4 dian3 Wen2 wu4 Bao3 hu4 Dan1 wei4Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
加护加護jia1 hu4intensive care (in hospital)
化学武器防护化學武器防護hua4 xue2 wu3 qi4 fang2 hu4chemical weapon defense
受法律保护权受法律保護權shou4 fa3 lu:4 bao3 hu4 quan2right to protection by law (law)
呵护呵護he1 hu4to bless/ to cherish/ to take good care of/ to conserve
回护回護hui2 hu4to stick up for a wrongdoer
国家一级保护國家一級保護Guo2 jia1 yi1 ji2 bao3 hu4Grade One State protected (species)
围护圍護wei2 hu4to protect from all sides
围护结构圍護結構wei2 hu4 jie2 gou4building envelope
外交庇护外交庇護wai4 jiao1 bi4 hu4diplomatic asylum




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