肠 [chang2]
汉字:肠 / 拼音:chang2
肠 | |||
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异体 | 肠 腸 膓 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
乙状结肠 | 乙狀結腸 | yi3 zhuang4 jie2 chang2 | sigmoid colon (anatomy)/ bent colon, linking the descending colon to the rectum |
互诉衷肠 | 互訴衷腸 | hu1 su4 zhong1 chang2 | to confide in each other (idiom) |
倾吐衷肠 | 傾吐衷腸 | qing1 tu3 zhong1 chang2 | to pour out (emotions)/ to pour one's heart out/ to say everything that is on one's mind |
十二指肠 | 十二指腸 | shi2 er4 zhi3 chang2 | duodenum |
升结肠 | 升結腸 | sheng1 jie2 chang2 | ascending colon (anatomy)/ first section of large intestine |
回肠 | 回腸 | hui2 chang2 | ileum (segment of small intestine between the jejunum 空腸|空肠[kong1 chang2] and appendix 盲腸|盲肠[mang2 chang2]) |
回肠荡气 | 回腸盪氣 | hui2 chang2 dang4 qi4 | soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork)/ heart-rending/ deeply moving |
坏肠子 | 壞腸子 | huai4 chang2 zi5 | evil person |
大肠 | 大腸 | da4 chang2 | the large intestine |
大肠杆菌 | 大腸桿菌 | da4 chang2 gan3 jun1 | Escherichia coli (E. coli) |
小肚鸡肠 | 小肚雞腸 | xiao3 du4 ji1 chang2 | lit. small belly, chicken's gut (idiom); narrow-minded/ petty |
小肠 | 小腸 | xiao3 chang2 | small intestine |
心肠 | 心腸 | xin1 chang2 | heart/ intention/ one's inclination/ state of mind/ to have the heart for sth/ mood |
急性肠炎 | 急性腸炎 | ji2 xing4 chang2 yan2 | acute enteritis |
愁肠 | 愁腸 | chou2 chang2 | anxiety/ worries |
愁肠百结 | 愁腸百結 | chou2 chang2 bai3 jie2 | hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idiom); weighed down with anxiety |
搜索枯肠 | 搜索枯腸 | sou1 suo3 ku1 chang2 | to rack one's brains (for apt wording etc) (idiom) |
搜肠刮肚 | 搜腸刮肚 | sou1 chang2 gua1 du4 | to search one's guts and belly (idiom); to racks one's brains for a solution |
断肠 | 斷腸 | duan4 chang2 | heartbroken/ to break one's heart |
柔肠寸断 | 柔腸寸斷 | rou2 chang2 cun4 duan4 | lit. to feel as if one's intestines have been cut short/ broken-hearted (idiom) |
横结肠 | 橫結腸 | heng2 jie2 chang2 | transverse colon (anatomy)/ second section of large intestine |
润肠 | 潤腸 | run4 chang2 | to ease constipation (TCM) |
润肠通便 | 潤腸通便 | run4 chang2 tong1 bian4 | to cure constipation with laxatives |
灌肠 | 灌腸 | guan4 chang2 | enema/ to give an enema |
灌肠 | 灌腸 | guan4 chang5 | sausage with a starchy filling |
火腿肠 | 火腿腸 | huo3 tui3 chang2 | ham sausage |
烤胡椒香肠 | 烤胡椒香腸 | kao3 hu2 jiao1 xiang1 chang2 | roast pepper sausage/ pepperoni |
热心肠 | 熱心腸 | re4 xin1 chang2 | warmhearted/ willing to help others |
热肠 | 熱腸 | re4 chang2 | warmhearted/ enthusiastic |
牵心挂肠 | 牽心掛腸 | qian1 xin1 gua4 chang2 | to worry deeply about sth/ extremely concerned |
2021-05-01, 497👍, 0💬
简体:斟酌 / 繁体:斟酌 / 拼音:zhen1 zhuo2
汉字:牙 / 拼音:ya2
简体:塾 / 繁体:塾 / 拼音:shu2
简体:漆黑 / 繁体:漆黑 / 拼音:qi1 hei1
简体:绿树 / 繁体:绿树 / 拼音:lu:4 shu4