
腹 [fu4]


汉字:腹 / 拼音:fu4

abdomen/ stomach/ belly


三角腹带三角腹帶san1 jiao3 fu4 dai4athletic supporter
下腹部下腹部xia4 fu4 bu4lower abdomen
亚欧大陆腹地亞歐大陸腹地Ya4 ou1 da4 lu4 fu4 di4Eurasian hinterland (i.e. Central Asia including Xinjiang)
以小人之心,度君子之腹以小人之心,度君子之腹yi3 xiao3 ren2 zhi1 xin1 , duo2 jun1 zi3 zhi1 fu4to gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean measure (idiom)
借腹生子借腹生子jie4 fu4 sheng1 zi3surrogate pregnancy
俭腹儉腹jian3 fu4lit. empty belly/ hollow/ vacuous/ devoid of content
八块腹肌八塊腹肌ba1 kuai4 fu4 ji1six pack (abdominal muscles)
六块腹肌六塊腹肌liu4 kuai4 fu4 ji1six-pack (abs)
切腹切腹qie1 fu4harakiri (formal Japanese: seppuku), a samurai's suicide by disemboweling
剖腹剖腹pou1 fu4to cut open the abdomen/ to disembowel/ to speak from the heart
剖腹产剖腹產pou1 fu4 chan3Cesarean section
剖腹产手术剖腹產手術pou1 fu4 chan3 shou3 shu4Cesarean section operation
剖腹自杀剖腹自殺pou1 fu4 zi4 sha1hara-kiri
剖腹藏珠剖腹藏珠pou1 fu4 cang2 zhu1lit. cutting one's stomach to hide a pearl (idiom)/ fig. wasting a lot of effort on trivialities
口腹口腹kou3 fu4(fig.) food
口腹之欲口腹之慾kou3 fu4 zhi1 yu4desire for good food
口蜜腹剑口蜜腹劍kou3 mi4 fu4 jian4lit. honeyed words, a sword in the belly (idiom); fig. hypocritical and murderous
圆腹鲱圓腹鯡yuan2 fu4 fei1round herring
大腹便便大腹便便da4 fu4 pian2 pian2big-bellied (idiom)/ paunchy
大腹皮大腹皮da4 fu4 pi2husk of betel nut 檳榔|槟榔[bing1 lang5]
小腹小腹xiao3 fu4underbelly/ lower abdomen
心腹心腹xin1 fu4trusted aide/ confidant/ reliable agent/ to confide
心腹之患心腹之患xin1 fu4 zhi1 huan4lit. calamity within one's bosom (idiom); major trouble hidden within
感染性腹泻感染性腹瀉gan3 ran3 xing4 fu4 xie4infective diarrhea
指腹为婚指腹為婚zhi3 fu4 wei2 hun1to propose the future marriage of two unborn babies on condition that one turns out to be a boy, and the other, a girl (idiom)
捧腹捧腹peng3 fu4uproarious/ hilarious/ to split one's sides laughing/ lit. to hold one's belly with both hands
捧腹大笑捧腹大笑peng3 fu4 da4 xiao4uproarious/ hilarious/ to split one's sides laughing/ lit. to hold one's belly with both hands
捧腹绝倒捧腹絕倒peng3 fu4 jue2 dao3doubled up with laughter
卷腹捲腹juan3 fu4crunch (physical exercise)
推心置腹推心置腹tui1 xin1 zhi4 fu4to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (idiom); sb has one's absolute confidence/ to trust completely/ to confide in sb with entire sincerity




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