竖 [shu4]
汉字:竖 / 拼音:shu4
竖 | |||
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异体 | 竖 竪 豎 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
横七竖八 | 橫七豎八 | heng2 qi1 shu4 ba1 | in disorder/ at sixes and sevens (idiom) |
横三竖四 | 橫三豎四 | heng2 san1 shu4 si4 | in disorder/ in a tremendous mess |
横挑鼻子竖挑眼 | 橫挑鼻子豎挑眼 | heng2 tiao1 bi2 zi5 shu4 tiao1 yan3 | to pick on sth incessantly (idiom)/ to criticize right and left |
横眉竖眼 | 橫眉豎眼 | heng2 mei2 shu4 yan3 | to scowl fiercely/ to glare |
横说竖说 | 橫說豎說 | heng2 shuo1 shu4 shuo1 | to explain sth over and over again/ to repeat |
横竖 | 橫豎 | heng2 shu5 | anyway |
横竖劲儿 | 橫豎勁兒 | heng2 shu4 jin4 r5 | firmness of determination |
横躺竖卧 | 橫躺豎臥 | heng2 tang3 shu4 wo4 | to lie down all over the place/ exhausted and in disarray |
竖 | 竪 | shu4 | variant of 豎|竖[shu4] |
竖 | 豎 | shu4 | to erect/ vertical/ vertical stroke (in Chinese characters) |
竖井 | 豎井 | shu4 jing3 | vertical shaft (for mining, ventilation systems etc) |
竖式 | 豎式 | shu4 shi4 | standing/ vertical |
竖弯钩 | 豎彎鉤 | shu4 wan1 gou1 | 乚 stroke in Chinese characters |
竖折 | 豎折 | shu4 zhe2 | (downwards-starting right angle character stroke) |
竖提 | 豎提 | shu4 ti2 | stroke |
竖琴 | 豎琴 | shu4 qin2 | harp |
竖直 | 豎直 | shu4 zhi2 | vertical/ to erect/ to set upright/ vertical stroke in Chinese characters/ young servant (old) |
竖立 | 豎立 | shu4 li4 | to erect/ to set upright/ to stand |
竖笛 | 豎笛 | shu4 di2 | recorder/ (Tw) clarinet |
竖笔 | 豎筆 | shu4 bi3 | vertical stroke (in Chinese characters) |
竖起 | 豎起 | shu4 qi3 | to erect (a tent etc)/ to prick up (one's ears)/ to raise (one's eyebrows)/ to stick up (one's thumb)/ to turn up (one's collar)/ (of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers) |
竖起大拇指 | 豎起大拇指 | shu4 qi3 da4 mu5 zhi3 | to give a thumbs-up/ to express one's approval |
竖起耳朵 | 豎起耳朵 | shu4 qi3 er3 duo5 | to prick up one's ears/ to strain to hear sth |
竖钩 | 豎鉤 | shu4 gou1 | vertical stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters) |
阉竖 | 閹豎 | yan1 shu4 | eunuch (contemptuous appellation) |
2021-05-08, 499👍, 0💬
简体:傲立 / 繁体:傲立 / 拼音:ao4 li4
汉字:杉 / 拼音:shan1
简体:人事处 / 繁体:人事处 / 拼音:ren2 shi4 chu4
简体:绑标 / 繁体:绑标 / 拼音:bang3 biao1
简体:王伾 / 繁体:王伾 / 拼音:Wang2 pi1