
突 [tu1]


汉字:突 / 拼音:tu1

to dash/ to move forward quickly/ to bulge/ to protrude/ to break through/ to rush out/ sudden/ Taiwan pr. [tu2]


乳突乳突ru3 tu1mastoid process
乳突窦乳突竇ru3 tu1 dou4mastoid antrum (bones at the back of tympanic chamber)
人类乳突病毒人類乳突病毒ren2 lei4 ru3 tu1 bing4 du2human papillomavirus (HPV)
利害冲突利害衝突li4 hai4 chong1 tu1conflict of interest
吉罗米突吉羅米突ji2 luo2 mi3 tu1kilometer (old) (loanword)
唐突唐突tang2 tu1to be rude/ to treat irreverently
地区冲突地區衝突di4 qu1 chong1 tu1local or regional confrontation
基因突变基因突變ji1 yin1 tu1 bian4genetic mutation
基罗米突基羅米突ji1 luo2 mi3 tu1kilometer (old) (loanword)
小冲突小衝突xiao3 chong1 tu1skirmish/ clash/ dispute/ brush
少突胶质少突膠質shao3 tu1 jiao1 zhi4oligodendrocytes (Greek: cells with few branches), a type of cell in central nervous system/ oligodendroglia
搪突搪突tang2 tu1variant of 唐突[tang2 tu1]
曲突徙薪曲突徙薪qu1 tu1 xi3 xin1lit. to bend the chimney and remove the firewood (to prevent fire) (idiom)/ fig. to take preventive measures
东突東突Dong1 Tu1East Turkestan Liberation Organization (ETLO), Chinese dissident group/ abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织
东突厥斯坦東突厥斯坦Dong1 tu1 jue2 si1 tan3East Turkestan/ historical term for Xinjiang
东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動Dong1 Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 Yi1 si1 lan2 Yun4 dong4East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
东突厥斯坦解放组织東突厥斯坦解放組織Dong1 Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 Jie3 fang4 Zu3 zhi1East Turkestan Liberation Organization (ETLO), Xinjiang dissident group
东突组织東突組織Dong1 Tu1 Zu3 zhi1abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织[Dong1 Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 Jie3 fang4 Zu3 zhi1], East Turkestan Liberation Organization (ETLO)
树突樹突shu4 tu1dendrite (branched projection of a neuron)
树突状细胞樹突狀細胞shu4 tu1 zhuang4 xi4 bao1dendritic cell
武装冲突武裝衝突wu3 zhuang1 chong1 tu1armed conflict
烟突煙突yan1 tu1chimney
狼奔豕突狼奔豕突lang2 ben1 shi3 tu1the wolf runs and the wild boar rushes (idiom); crowds of evil-doers mill around like wild beasts
异军突起異軍突起yi4 jun1 tu1 qi3to emerge as a new force to be reckoned with (idiom)
疾病突发疾病突發ji2 bing4 tu1 fa1outbreak of illness/ seizure
相向突击相向突擊xiang1 xiang4 tu1 ji1sudden attack from the opposite direction (idiom)
神经突神經突shen2 jing1 tu1nerve process
神风突击队神風突擊隊shen2 feng1 tu1 ji1 dui4kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)
tu1to dash/ to move forward quickly/ to bulge/ to protrude/ to break through/ to rush out/ sudden/ Taiwan pr. [tu2]
突兀突兀tu1 wu4lofty or towering/ sudden or abrupt




2021-05-01, 344👍, 0💬