
盡 [jin4]


汉字:盡 / 拼音:jin4

jìn to use up/ to exhaust/ to end/ to finish/ to the utmost/ exhausted/ finished/ to the limit (of sth)/ all/ entirely


一网打尽一網打盡yi1 wang3 da3 jin4lit. to catch everything in the one net (idiom)/ fig. to scoop up the whole lot/ to capture them all in one go
一言难尽一言難盡yi1 yan2 nan2 jin4hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly
一饮而尽一飲而盡yi1 yin3 er2 jin4to drain the cup in one gulp (idiom)
不尽不盡bu4 jin4not completely/ endlessly
不尽根不盡根bu4 jin4 gen1surd (math.)
人尽其才人盡其才ren2 jin4 qi2 cai2employ one's talent to the fullest/ everyone gives of their best
人尽其材人盡其材ren2 jin4 qi2 cai2employ one's talent to the fullest/ everyone gives of their best/ also written 人盡其才|人尽其才
人尽皆知人盡皆知ren2 jin4 jie1 zhi1see 盡人皆知|尽人皆知[jin4 ren2 jie1 zhi1]
仁至义尽仁至義盡ren2 zhi4 yi4 jin4extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty
使尽使盡shi3 jin4to exert all one's strength
倾尽傾盡qing1 jin4to do all one can/ to give all one has
共轭不尽根共軛不盡根gong4 e4 bu4 jin4 gen1conjugate surd (math.)
前功尽弃前功盡棄qian2 gong1 jin4 qi4to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom)/ all that has been achieved goes down the drain
力尽神危力盡神危li4 jin4 shen2 wei1totally exhausted as result of overexertion (idiom)
友尽友盡you3 jin4(Internet slang) end of friendship/ friendship over!
取之不尽,用之不竭取之不盡,用之不竭qu3 zhi1 bu4 jin4 , yong4 zhi1 bu4 jie2limitless supply (of)/ inexhaustible
受尽受盡shou4 jin4to suffer enough from/ to suffer all kinds of/ to have one's fill of
各尽所能各盡所能ge4 jin4 suo3 neng2each does his utmost (idiom)/ from each according to his means
同归于尽同歸於盡tong2 gui1 yu2 jin4to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes/ to take sb down with oneself/ to end in mutual destruction
吸尽吸盡xi1 jin4to absorb completely/ to drink up
咬舌自尽咬舌自盡yao3 she2 zi4 jin4to commit suicide by biting off one's tongue
丧失殆尽喪失殆盡sang4 shi1 dai4 jin4to be used up/ to be exhausted
丧尽喪盡sang4 jin4to completely lose (one's dignity, vitality etc)
丧尽天良喪盡天良sang4 jin4 tian1 liang2devoid of conscience (idiom); utterly heartless
尝尽心酸嘗盡心酸chang2 jin4 xin1 suan1to experience one's full share of sorrows (idiom)
寿数已尽壽數已盡shou4 shu4 yi3 jin3to die (when one's predestined life span is up)
大尽大盡da4 jin4lunar month of 30 days/ same as 大建[da4 jian4]
小尽小盡xiao3 jin4lunar month of 29 days/ same as 小建[xiao3 jian4]
山穷水尽山窮水盡shan1 qiong2 shui3 jin4mountain and river exhausted (idiom); at the end of the line/ nowhere to go
弹尽援绝彈盡援絕dan4 jin4 yuan2 jue2out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements (idiom); in desperate straits




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