涨 [zhang3 zhang4]
汉字:涨 / 拼音:zhang3 zhang4
涨 | |||||
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异体 | 涨 漲 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
上涨 | 上漲 | shang4 zhang3 | to rise/ to go up |
冻涨 | 凍漲 | dong4 zhang3 | to freeze (prices, fees etc) (Tw) |
暴涨 | 暴漲 | bao4 zhang3 | to increase sharply/ to rise dramatically |
水涨船高 | 水漲船高 | shui3 zhang3 chuan2 gao1 | the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend/ to develop according to the situation |
涨 | 漲 | zhang3 | to rise (of prices, rivers) |
涨 | 漲 | zhang4 | to swell/ to distend |
涨停板 | 漲停板 | zhang3 ting2 ban3 | daily upper limit on the price of a stock |
涨价 | 漲價 | zhang3 jia4 | to appreciate (in value)/ to increase in price |
涨到 | 漲到 | zhang3 dao4 | to go up/ to rise |
涨势 | 漲勢 | zhang3 shi4 | rising trend/ upward momentum (e.g. in prices) |
涨姿势 | 漲姿勢 | zhang3 zi1 shi4 | Internet slang for 長知識|长知识[zhang3 zhi1 shi5] |
涨幅 | 漲幅 | zhang3 fu2 | extent of a rise (in prices etc)/ amount of increase/ growth (typically expressed as a percentage) |
涨水 | 漲水 | zhang3 shui3 | rise of water level |
涨满 | 漲滿 | zhang4 man3 | swell |
涨潮 | 漲潮 | zhang3 chao2 | high tide/ rising tide |
涨红 | 漲紅 | zhang4 hong2 | to turn red (in the face)/ to flush (with embarrassment or anger) |
涨落 | 漲落 | zhang3 luo4 | (of water, prices etc) to rise and fall |
涨跌 | 漲跌 | zhang3 die1 | rise or fall in price |
涨跌幅限制 | 漲跌幅限制 | zhang3 die1 fu2 xian4 zhi4 | limit up, limit down/ limit on daily price variation |
涨钱 | 漲錢 | zhang3 qian2 | inflation/ salary raise |
涨风 | 漲風 | zhang3 feng1 | upward trend (in prices) |
猛涨 | 猛漲 | meng3 zhang3 | (of water) to soar/ (of prices) to skyrocket |
看涨 | 看漲 | kan4 zhang3 | bull market (prices appear to be rising) |
脑涨 | 腦漲 | nao3 zhang4 | variant of 腦脹|脑胀[nao3 zhang4] |
脸红筋涨 | 臉紅筋漲 | lian3 hong2 jin1 zhang3 | red and tense with anger (idiom) |
头昏脑涨 | 頭昏腦漲 | tou2 hun1 nao3 zhang4 | variant of 頭昏腦脹|头昏脑胀[tou2 hun1 nao3 zhang4] |
头晕脑涨 | 頭暈腦漲 | tou2 yun1 nao3 zhang4 | variant of 頭暈腦脹|头晕脑胀[tou2 yun1 nao3 zhang4] |
飙涨 | 飆漲 | biao1 zhang3 | soaring inflation/ rocketing prices |
飞涨 | 飛漲 | fei1 zhang3 | soaring inflation/ rocketing prices |
高涨 | 高漲 | gao1 zhang3 | to surge up/ to rise/ (of tensions etc) to run high |
2021-05-20, 428👍, 0💬
简体:冔 / 繁体:冔 / 拼音:xu3
简体:抑塞 / 繁体:抑塞 / 拼音:yi4 se4
简体:枕葄 / 繁体:枕葄 / 拼音:zhen3 zuo4
简体:旱金莲 / 繁体:旱金莲 / 拼音:han4 jin1 lian2
简体:并且 / 繁体:并且 / 拼音:bing4 qie3