
溜 [liu1]


汉字:溜 / 拼音:liu1

liū to slip away/ to escape in stealth/ to skate


一溜烟一溜煙yi1 liu4 yan1like a wisp of smoke/ (to disappear etc) in an instant
上溜油上溜油shang4 liu1 you2basted (of meat etc)
光溜光溜guang1 liu1smooth/ slippery
冰溜冰溜bing1 liu1icicle
出溜出溜chu1 liu5to slip/ to slide
出溜屁出溜屁chu1 liu5 pi4silent fart
匀溜勻溜yun2 liu5even and smooth
哧溜哧溜chi1 liu1(onom.) slithering/ sliding/ slipping
哧溜溜哧溜溜chi1 liu1 liu1see 哧溜[chi1 liu1]
哩溜歪斜哩溜歪斜li1 liu1 wai1 xie2crooked/ deformed/ twisted
提溜提溜di1 liu1to carry
没溜儿沒溜兒mei2 liu4 r5(dialect) silly
liu1to slip away/ to escape in stealth/ to skate
溜之大吉溜之大吉liu1 zhi1 da4 ji2to steal away/ to beat it
溜冰溜冰liu1 bing1ice skating/ (slang) to do meth
溜冰场溜冰場liu1 bing1 chang3ice rink/ skating rink
溜冰鞋溜冰鞋liu1 bing1 xie2skating shoes/ ice skates/ roller skates/ roller blades
溜圆溜圓liu1 yuan2perfectly round
溜旱冰溜旱冰liu1 han4 bing1roller blading (sport)
溜槽溜槽liu1 cao2sluice/ chute
溜溜球溜溜球liu1 liu1 qiu2yo-yo (loanword)
溜狗溜狗liu1 gou3to take a dog for a walk
溜索溜索liu1 suo3zip line
溜肩膀溜肩膀liu1 jian1 bang3sloping shoulders/ irresponsible/ work-shy
溜舐溜舐liu1 shi4to flatter obsequiously/ toady
溜号溜號liu1 hao4(coll.) to slink off
溜走溜走liu1 zou3to slip away/ to leave secretly
溜达溜達liu1 da5to stroll/ to go for a walk
溜边溜邊liu1 bian1to keep to the edge (of path, river etc)/ fig. to keep out of trouble/ to avoid getting involved
溜边儿溜邊兒liu1 bian1 r5to keep to the edge (of path, river etc)/ fig. to keep out of trouble/ to avoid getting involved




2021-05-07, 839👍, 0💬