
渦 [guo1 wo1]


汉字:渦 / 拼音:guo1 wo1

guō name of a river
eddy/ whirlpool


旋涡旋渦xuan2 wo1spiral/ whirlpool/ eddy/ vortex
旋涡星系旋渦星系xuan2 wo1 xing1 xi4spiral galaxy
旋涡星云旋渦星雲xuan2 wo1 xing1 yun2spiral nebula
旋涡状旋渦狀xuan2 wo1 zhuang4spiral-shaped
梨涡梨渦li2 wo1dimples (of a woman)
guo1name of a river
wo1eddy/ whirlpool
涡喷渦噴wo1 pen1turbojet
涡扇渦扇wo1 shan4turbofan
涡旋渦旋wo1 xuan2eddy/ vortex
涡核渦核wo1 he2eye of a vortex
涡桨渦槳wo1 jiang3turboprop
涡虫纲渦蟲綱wo1 chong2 gang1Turbellaria (an order of flatworms)
涡轮渦輪wo1 lun2turbine
涡轮喷气发动机渦輪噴氣發動機wo1 lun2 pen1 qi4 fa1 dong4 ji1turbojet
涡轮轴发动机渦輪軸發動機wo1 lun2 zhou2 fa1 dong4 ji1turboshaft
涡阳渦陽Guo1 yang2Guoyang county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou1], Anhui
涡阳县渦陽縣Guo1 yang2 xian4Guoyang county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou1], Anhui
准稳旋涡结构準穩旋渦結構zhun3 wen3 xuan2 wo1 jie2 gou4quasi-stationary spiral structure QSSS (astrophysics)
漩涡漩渦xuan2 wo1whirlpool/ eddy/ vortex/ (fig.) maelstrom
环极涡旋環極渦旋huan2 ji2 wo1 xuan2circumpolar vortex
笑涡笑渦xiao4 wo1see 笑窩|笑窝[xiao4 wo1]
圣涡聖渦sheng4 wo1dimples of Venus/ back dimples
酒涡酒渦jiu3 wo1dimple/ variant of 酒窩|酒窝[jiu3 wo1]



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