
渣 [zha1]


汉字:渣 / 拼音:zha1

zhā slag (in mining or smelting)/ dregs


人渣人渣ren2 zha1dregs of society/ scum
土得掉渣土得掉渣tu3 de5 diao4 zha1(coll.) rustic/ uncouth
学渣學渣xue2 zha1(coll.) unenthusiastic, mediocre student/ underachiever
废渣廢渣fei4 zha1industrial waste product/ slag
残渣殘渣can2 zha1remainder/ filtered out residue/ sediment/ waste product/ debris/ detritus/ rubbish
残渣余孽殘渣餘孽can2 zha1 yu2 nie4evil elements who have escaped eradication
zha1slag (in mining or smelting)/ dregs
渣打银行渣打銀行Zha1 da3 Yin2 hang2Standard Chartered Bank
渣滓渣滓zha1 zi3residue/ dregs/ disreputable people
渣男渣男zha1 nan2(coll.) jerk/ scumbag (esp. in romantic relationships)
煤渣煤渣mei2 zha1slack
熔渣熔渣rong2 zha1slag (smelting)
炉渣爐渣lu2 zha1furnace slag/ ashes from a stove
石渣石渣shi2 zha1gravel
矿渣礦渣kuang4 zha1slag (mining)
蔗渣蔗渣zhe4 zha1bagasse (sugar cane waste)
药渣藥渣yao4 zha4dregs of a decoction
豆渣豆渣dou4 zha1okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu)
豆渣脑筋豆渣腦筋dou4 zha1 nao3 jin1idiot/ porridge head
豆腐渣豆腐渣dou4 fu5 zha1okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu)
豆腐渣工程豆腐渣工程dou4 fu5 zha1 gong1 cheng2jerry-built building project/ lit. built on soybean dregs
酒渣鼻酒渣鼻jiu3 zha1 bi2rosacea (dermatological condition of the face and nose)/ brandy nose
体育渣體育渣ti3 yu4 zha1unathletic person
胡渣鬍渣hu2 zha1see 鬍碴|胡碴[hu2 cha1]
面包渣麵包渣mian4 bao1 zha1breadcrumbs



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