
洩 [xie4]


汉字:洩 / 拼音:xie4

xiè variant of 泄[xie4]


宣泄宣洩xuan1 xie4to drain (by leading off water)/ to unburden oneself/ to divulge/ to leak a secret
排泄系统排洩系統pai2 xie4 xi4 tong3drainage system/ excretory system
早泄早洩zao3 xie4premature ejaculation
水泄不通水洩不通shui3 xie4 bu4 tong1lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic)
xie4variant of 泄[xie4]
泄劲洩勁xie4 jin4to lose heart/ to feel discouraged
泄密洩密xie4 mi4to leak secrets
泄底洩底xie4 di3to divulge the inside story
泄怒洩怒xie4 nu4to give vent to anger
泄恨洩恨xie4 hen4to give vent to anger
泄欲洩慾xie4 yu4to sate one's lust
泄欲工具洩慾工具xie4 yu4 gong1 ju4sexual object
泄愤洩憤xie4 fen4to give vent to anger
泄殖腔洩殖腔xie4 zhi2 qiang1cloaca/ cloacal cavity (of bird, reptile etc)
泄气洩氣xie4 qi4to leak (gas)/ to be discouraged/ to despair/ (disparaging) pathetic/ to vent one's anger/ (of a tire) to be flat
泄洪洩洪xie4 hong2to release flood water/ flood discharge
泄洪闸洩洪閘xie4 hong2 zha2sluice-gate/ flood discharge valve
泄流洩流xie4 liu2drainage
泄泻洩瀉xie4 xie4loose bowels/ diarrhea/ to have the runs
泄痢洩痢xie4 li4to have diarrhea
泄私愤洩私憤xie4 si1 fen4to vent personal spite/ to act out of malice (esp. of crime)
漏泄漏洩lou4 xie4a leak (e.g. of chemicals)
漏泄天机漏洩天機lou4 xie4 tian1 ji1to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret/ to let the cat out of the bag
发泄發洩fa1 xie4to give vent to (one's feelings)



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