
东 [Dong1 dong1]


汉字:东 / 拼音:Dong1 dong1

dōng surname Dong
dōng east/ host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest)/ landlord


一东一西一東一西yi1 dong1 yi1 xi1far apart
三十年河东,三十年河西三十年河東,三十年河西san1 shi2 nian2 he2 dong1 , san1 shi2 nian2 he2 xi1the river flows thirty years to the East, thirty years to the West (proverb)/ change is the only constant
上海浦东发展银行上海浦東發展銀行Shang4 hai3 Pu3 dong1 Fa1 zhan3 Yin2 hang2Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
不是东西不是東西bu4 shi4 dong1 xi5(derog.) to be a good-for-nothing/ worthless nobody/ no-good
中国东方航空中國東方航空Zhong1 guo2 Dong1 fang1 Hang2 kong1China Eastern Airlines
中东中東Zhong1 dong1Middle East
中东呼吸综合征中東呼吸綜合徵Zhong1 dong1 hu1 xi1 zong1 he2 zheng4Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
中石油川东钻探公司中石油川東鑽探公司Zhong1 Shi2 you2 Chuan1 dong1 Zuan4 tan4 Gong1 si1Chuandong Oil Drilling & Exploration Company (CODEC)
丹东丹東Dan1 dong1Dandong prefecture-level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
丹东市丹東市Dan1 dong1 shi4Dandong prefecture-level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
乃东乃東Nai3 dong1Nêdong county, Tibetan: Sne gdong rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
乃东县乃東縣Nai3 dong1 xian4Nêdong county, Tibetan: Sne gdong rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
二房东二房東er4 fang2 dong1sublandlord/ tenant who sublets
亚东亞東Ya4 dong1Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
亚东县亞東縣Ya4 dong1 xian4Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
付之东流付之東流fu4 zhi1 dong1 liu2to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably
付诸东流付諸東流fu4 zhu1 dong1 liu2wasted effort
以东以東yi3 dong1to the east of (suffix)
作东作東zuo4 dong1to host (a dinner)/ to treat/ to pick up the check
借东风借東風jie4 dong1 feng1lit. to use the eastern wind (idiom)/ fig. to use sb's help
做东做東zuo4 dong1to act as host
克东克東Ke4 dong1Kedong county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang
克东县克東縣Ke4 dong1 xian4Kedong county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang
两样东西兩樣東西liang3 yang4 dong1 xi5two distinct things
十字军东征十字軍東征shi2 zi4 jun1 dong1 zheng1the Crusades/ crusaders' eastern expedition
半岛和东方航海半島和東方航海Ban4 dao3 he2 dong1 fang1 hang2 hai3P&O/ Peninsula and Oriental shipping company
只欠东风只欠東風zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item
台东台東Tai2 dong1Taidong or Taitung city and county in Taiwan
台东市台東市Tai2 dong1 shi4Taitung city in southeast Taiwan, capital of Taitung county
台东县台東縣Tai2 dong1 Xian4Taitung County in southeast Taiwan




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