
拙 [zhuo1]


汉字:拙 / 拼音:zhuo1

zhuō awkward/ clumsy/ dull/ inelegant/ (polite) my/ Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]


守拙守拙shou3 zhuo1to remain honest and poor
巧诈不如拙诚巧詐不如拙誠qiao3 zha4 bu4 ru2 zhuo1 cheng2the unvarnished truth is better than a cunning ruse (idiom)/ honesty is the best policy
弄巧反拙弄巧反拙nong4 qiao3 fan3 zhuo1see 弄巧成拙[nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1]
弄巧成拙弄巧成拙nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1to overreach oneself/ to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face
心拙口夯心拙口夯xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4variant of 心拙口笨[xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4]
心拙口笨心拙口笨xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4dull-witted and tongue-tied
愚拙愚拙yu2 zhuo1clumsy and stupid
zhuo1awkward/ clumsy/ dull/ inelegant/ (polite) my/ Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]
拙作拙作zhuo1 zuo4my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.)/ my humble writing
拙劣拙劣zhuo1 lie4clumsy/ botched
拙嘴笨舌拙嘴笨舌zhuo1 zui3 ben4 she2lit. clumsy mouth and broken tongue (idiom); awkward speaker
拙政园拙政園Zhuo1 zheng4 yuan2Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu
拙于言词拙於言詞zhuo1 yu2 yan2 ci2to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom)
拙朴拙樸zhuo1 pu3austere/ humble
拙涩拙澀zhuo1 se4clumsy and incomprehensible/ botched writing
拙直拙直zhuo1 zhi2simple and frank
拙稿拙稿zhuo1 gao3my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.)/ my humble writing
拙笨拙笨zhuo1 ben4clumsy/ awkward/ lacking skill
拙笔拙筆zhuo1 bi3my clumsy writing (humble expr.)/ my humble pen
拙荆拙荊zhuo1 jing1my wife (humble)
拙著拙著zhuo1 zhu4my unworthy writing (humble expr.)/ my worthless manuscript
拙见拙見zhuo1 jian4my unworthy opinion (humble expr.)
稚拙稚拙zhi4 zhuo1young and clumsy/ childish and awkward
笨口拙舌笨口拙舌ben4 kou3 zhuo1 she2awkward in speech
笨嘴拙腮笨嘴拙腮ben4 zui3 zhuo1 sai1see 笨嘴拙舌[ben4 zui3 zhuo1 she2]
笨嘴拙舌笨嘴拙舌ben4 zui3 zhuo1 she2clumsy in speech/ poor speaker
笨拙笨拙ben4 zhuo1clumsy/ awkward/ stupid
老拙老拙lao3 zhuo1old fart (usually in self-reference)/ geezer
藏拙藏拙cang2 zhuo2avoiding doing something that one is clumsy at to save face
蹇拙蹇拙jian3 zhuo1clumsy (writing)/ awkward/ obscure



2021-05-18, 444👍, 0💬