
怯 [qie4]


汉字:怯 / 拼音:qie4

qiè timid/ cowardly/ rustic/ Taiwan pr. [que4]


卑怯卑怯bei1 qie4mean and cowardly/ abject
大勇若怯大勇若怯da4 yong3 ruo4 qie4a great hero may appear timid (idiom); the really brave person remains level-headed
大勇若怯,大智若愚大勇若怯,大智若愚da4 yong3 ruo4 qie4 , da4 zhi4 ruo4 yu2a great hero may appear timid, the wise may appear stupid (idiom); the general public may not recognize great talent
qie4timid/ cowardly/ rustic/ Taiwan pr. [que4]
怯场怯場qie4 chang3to have stage fright
怯子怯子qie4 zi5person with country accent/ rustic/ country bumpkin
怯弱怯弱qie4 ruo4timid/ weak
怯懦怯懦qie4 nuo4timid/ gutless/ weakling
怯生怯生qie4 sheng1shy
怯生生怯生生qie4 sheng1 sheng1shy
怯羞怯羞qie4 xiu1see 羞怯[xiu1 qie4]
怯声怯气怯聲怯氣qie4 sheng1 qie4 qi4to speak in a frightened voice that lacks courage (idiom)
羞怯羞怯xiu1 qie4shy/ timid
胆怯膽怯dan3 qie4timidity/ timid/ cowardly
临死不怯臨死不怯lin2 si3 bu4 qie4equanimity in the face of death/ to face dangers with assurance
露怯露怯lou4 qie4to display one's ignorance/ to make a fool of oneself by an ignorant blunder
惊怯驚怯jing1 qie4cowardly and panicking



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