
幾 [ji1 ji3]


汉字:幾 / 拼音:ji1 ji3

how much/ how many/ several/ a few


一蹴可几一蹴可幾yi1 cu4 ke3 ji3to succeed at the first try (idiom)/ easy as pie/ one can do it at once
不拉几不拉幾bu4 la1 ji1(dialect) extremely
不知凡几不知凡幾bu4 zhi1 fan2 ji3one can't tell how many/ numerous similar cases
代数几何代數幾何dai4 shu4 ji3 he2algebraic geometry
代数几何学代數幾何學dai4 shu4 ji3 he2 xue2algebraic geometry
内在几何內在幾何nei4 zai4 ji3 he2intrinsic geometry
内在几何学內在幾何學nei4 zai4 ji3 he2 xue2intrinsic geometry
分形几何分形幾何fen1 xing2 ji3 he2fractal geometry
分形几何学分形幾何學fen1 xing2 ji3 he2 xue2fractal geometry
前几天前幾天qian2 ji3 tian1a few days ago/ a few days before/ the past few days/ the previous few days
十几十幾shi2 ji3more than ten/ a dozen or more
十几个月十幾個月shi2 ji3 ge4 yue4ten months or so/ about ten months
好几好幾hao3 ji3several/ quite a few
好几年好幾年hao3 ji3 nian2several years
寥寥无几寥寥無幾liao2 liao2 wu2 ji3just a very few (idiom); tiny number/ not many at all/ You count them on your fingers.
射影几何射影幾何she4 ying3 ji3 he2projective geometry
射影几何学射影幾何學she4 ying3 ji3 he2 xue2projective geometry
巴布亚新几内亚巴布亞新幾內亞Ba1 bu4 ya4 Xin1 Ji3 nei4 ya4Papua New Guinea
巴布亚纽几内亚巴布亞紐幾內亞Ba1 bu4 ya4 Niu3 Ji1 nei4 ya4Papua New Guinea (Tw)
平面几何平面幾何ping2 mian4 ji3 he2plane geometry
ji3how much/ how many/ several/ a few
几丁幾丁ji1 ding1chitin
几丁质幾丁質ji1 ding1 zhi4chitin
几乎幾乎ji1 hu1almost/ nearly/ practically
几乎不幾乎不ji1 hu1 bu4hardly/ seems not
几乎完全幾乎完全ji1 hu1 wan2 quan2almost entirely/ almost completely
几何幾何ji3 he2geometry/ (literary) how much
几何光学幾何光學ji3 he2 guang1 xue2geometric optics
几何原本幾何原本Ji3 he2 Yuan2 ben3Euclid's Elements




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