
幼 [you4]


汉字:幼 / 拼音:you4

yòu young


妇幼婦幼fu4 you4women and children
婴幼儿嬰幼兒ying1 you4 er2baby
尊老爱幼尊老愛幼zun1 lao3 ai4 you4respect the old and cherish the young
年幼年幼nian2 you4young/ underage
幼儿幼兒you4 er2young child/ infant/ preschooler
幼儿园幼兒園you4 er2 yuan2kindergarten/ nursery school
幼吾幼,以及人之幼幼吾幼,以及人之幼you4 wu2 you4 , yi3 ji2 ren2 zhi1 you4to care for other's children as one's own
幼女幼女you4 nu:3young girl
幼妹幼妹you4 mei4younger sister
幼小幼小you4 xiao3young/ immature
幼崽幼崽you4 zai3young (of an animal)
幼年幼年you4 nian2childhood/ infancy
幼弟幼弟you4 di4younger brother
幼教幼教you4 jiao4preschool education/ abbr. for 幼兒教育|幼儿教育[you4 er2 jiao4 yu4]
幼时幼時you4 shi2childhood
幼兽幼獸you4 shou4cub
幼发拉底河幼發拉底河You4 fa1 la1 di3 He2Euphrates River
幼稚幼稚you4 zhi4young/ childish/ puerile
幼稚园幼稚園you4 zhi4 yuan2kindergarten (Tw)
幼童幼童you4 tong2young child
幼童军幼童軍You4 tong2 jun1Cub Scout
幼苗幼苗you4 miao2young sprout/ bud/ sapling/ seedling
幼虫幼蟲you4 chong2larva
幼雏幼雛you4 chu2young bird/ nestling
幼马幼馬you4 ma3young horse/ colt/ filly
幼体幼體you4 ti3the young (unborn or newborn) of an animal/ larva
幼齿幼齒you4 chi3(Tw) naive and innocent (girl or boy)/ underage prostitute/ (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [iù-khí])
扶老携幼扶老攜幼fu2 lao3 xie2 you4taking everyone along, young and old/ to look after the elderly and the young
男女老幼男女老幼nan2 nu:3 lao3 you4men, women, young and old/ everybody




2021-05-01, 953👍, 0💬