守 [shou3]
汉字:守 / 拼音:shou3
守 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
保守 | 保守 | bao3 shou3 | conservative/ to guard/ to keep |
保守主义 | 保守主義 | bao3 shou3 zhu3 yi4 | conservatism |
保守派 | 保守派 | bao3 shou3 pai4 | conservative faction |
保守党 | 保守黨 | bao3 shou3 dang3 | conservative political parties |
保残守缺 | 保殘守缺 | bao3 can2 shou3 que1 | conservative/ to preserve the outmoded |
信守 | 信守 | xin4 shou3 | to abide by/ to keep (promises etc) |
值守 | 值守 | zhi2 shou3 | (of a security guard etc) to be on duty, keeping an eye on things/ to keep watch |
全攻全守 | 全攻全守 | quan2 gong1 quan2 shou3 | total football (soccer) |
划圆防守 | 劃圓防守 | hua4 yuan2 fang2 shou3 | to counter (a stroke in fencing) |
严守 | 嚴守 | yan2 shou3 | to strictly maintain |
因循守旧 | 因循守舊 | yin1 xun2 shou3 jiu4 | (idiom) to continue in the same old rut/ diehard conservative attitudes |
困守 | 困守 | kun4 shou3 | to stand a siege/ trapped in a besieged city |
固守 | 固守 | gu4 shou3 | to strongly defend one's position/ to be entrenched/ to cling to |
坚守 | 堅守 | jian1 shou3 | to hold fast to/ to stick to |
墨守成规 | 墨守成規 | mo4 shou3 cheng2 gui1 | hidebound by convention (idiom) |
太守 | 太守 | tai4 shou3 | governor of a province |
失守 | 失守 | shi1 shou3 | (military) (of a city etc) to fall into enemy hands/ (fig.) to take a turn for the worse |
奉公守法 | 奉公守法 | feng4 gong1 shou3 fa3 | to carry out official duties and observe the law |
守 | 守 | shou3 | to guard/ to defend/ to keep watch/ to abide by the law/ to observe (rules or ritual)/ nearby/ adjoining |
守一而终 | 守一而終 | shou3 yi1 er2 zhong1 | to be faithful to one's mate all one's life |
守住 | 守住 | shou3 zhu5 | to hold on to/ to defend/ to keep/ to guard |
守信 | 守信 | shou3 xin4 | to keep promises |
守信用 | 守信用 | shou3 xin4 yong4 | to keep one's word/ trustworthy |
守候 | 守候 | shou3 hou4 | to wait for/ to expect/ to keep watch/ to watch over/ to nurse |
守备 | 守備 | shou3 bei4 | to garrison/ to stand guard/ on garrison duty |
守兵 | 守兵 | shou3 bing1 | guard/ garrison soldier |
守分 | 守分 | shou3 fen4 | to abide by the law/ to respect the law |
守制 | 守制 | shou3 zhi4 | to go into mourning for one's parents |
守则 | 守則 | shou3 ze2 | rules/ regulations |
守势 | 守勢 | shou3 shi4 | defensive position/ guard |
2021-04-27, 773👍, 0💬
简体:尊敬 / 繁体:尊敬 / 拼音:zun1 jing4
简体:下岗 / 繁体:下岗 / 拼音:xia4 gang3
简体:李贺 / 繁体:李贺 / 拼音:Li3 He4
简体:羔 / 繁体:羔 / 拼音:gao1
简体:七十年代 / 繁体:七十年代 / 拼音:qi1 shi2 nian2 dai4