
愧 [kui4]


汉字:愧 / 拼音:kui4

kuì old variant of 愧[kui4]
异体 媿


不愧不愧bu4 kui4to be worthy of/ to deserve to be called/ to prove oneself to be
不愧下学不愧下學bu4 kui4 xia4 xue2not ashamed to learn from subordinates (idiom)
不愧不怍不愧不怍bu4 kui4 bu4 zuo4no shame, no subterfuge (idiom); just and honorable/ upright and above board
俯仰无愧俯仰無愧fu3 yang3 wu2 kui4to have a clear conscience
问心有愧問心有愧wen4 xin1 you3 kui4to have a guilty conscience
问心无愧問心無愧wen4 xin1 wu2 kui4lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience
媿kui4old variant of 愧[kui4]
感愧感愧gan3 kui4to feel gratitude mixed with shame
愧不敢当愧不敢當kui4 bu4 gan3 dang1lit. I'm ashamed and dare not (accept the honor); fig. I do not deserve your praise./ You flatter me too much.
愧对愧對kui4 dui4to be ashamed to face (sb)/ to feel bad about having failed (sb)
愧怍愧怍kui4 zuo4ashamed
愧恨愧恨kui4 hen4ashamed and sorry/ suffering shame and remorse
愧悔无地愧悔無地kui4 hui3 wu2 di4ashamed and unable to show one's face (idiom)
愧汗愧汗kui4 han4sweating from shame/ extremely ashamed
愧疚愧疚kui4 jiu4to feel guilty/ to feel ashamed of oneself/ to be remorseful
愧色愧色kui4 se4ashamed look
愧赧愧赧kui4 nan3to blush in shame/ red-faced
惭愧慚愧can2 kui4ashamed
抱愧抱愧bao4 kui4feel ashamed
扪心无愧捫心無愧men2 xin1 wu2 kui4lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience
无愧無愧wu2 kui4to have a clear conscience/ to feel no qualms
当之有愧當之有愧dang1 zhi1 you3 kui4to feel undeserving of the praise or the honor
当之无愧當之無愧dang1 zhi1 wu2 kui4fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, honor etc)
羞愧羞愧xiu1 kui4ashamed
羞愧难当羞愧難當xiu1 kui4 nan2 dang1to feel ashamed (idiom)
自愧不如自愧不如zi4 kui4 bu4 ru2ashamed of being inferior (idiom)/ to feel inferior to others
自愧弗如自愧弗如zi4 kui4 fu2 ru2to feel ashamed at being inferior (idiom)



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