
奋 [fen4]


汉字:奋 / 拼音:fen4

fèn to exert oneself (bound form)


亢奋亢奮kang4 fen4excited/ stimulated
令人振奋令人振奮ling4 ren2 zhen4 fen4inspiring/ exciting/ rousing
勤奋勤奮qin2 fen4hardworking/ diligent
勤奋刻苦勤奮刻苦qin2 fen4 ke4 ku3diligent/ assiduous
反兴奋剂反興奮劑fan3 xing1 fen4 ji4anti-doping/ anti-stimulant/ policy against drugs in sports
天才出自勤奋天才出自勤奮tian1 cai2 chu1 zi4 qin2 fen4genius comes from hard effort/ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration (Thomas Edison)
fen4to exert oneself (bound form)
奋不顾身奮不顧身fen4 bu4 gu4 shen1to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers/ regardless of perils
奋力奮力fen4 li4to do everything one can/ to spare no effort/ to strive
奋勇奮勇fen4 yong3dauntless/ to summon up courage and determination/ using extreme force of will
奋战奮戰fen4 zhan4to fight bravely/ (fig.) to struggle/ to work hard
奋武扬威奮武揚威fen4 wu3 yang2 wei1a show of strength
奋发奮發fen4 fa1to rouse to vigorous action/ energetic mood
奋发图强奮發圖強fen4 fa1 tu2 qiang2to work energetically for prosperity (of the country)
奋笔疾书奮筆疾書fen4 bi3 ji2 shu1to write at a tremendous speed
奋袂奮袂fen4 mei4to roll up one's sleeves for action
奋起奮起fen4 qi3to rise vigorously/ a spirited start
奋起湖奮起湖Fen4 qi3 hu2Fenchihu, town in Chiayi County, Taiwan
奋起直追奮起直追fen4 qi3 zhi2 zhui1to catch up vigorously/ to set off in hot pursuit
奋进奮進fen4 jin4to advance bravely/ to endeavor
奋进号奮進號Fen4 jin4 Hao4Space Shuttle Endeavor
奋飞奮飛fen4 fei1to spread wings and fly
奋斗奮鬥fen4 dou4to strive/ to struggle
孤军奋战孤軍奮戰gu1 jun1 fen4 zhan4lit. lone army putting up a brave fight (idiom)/ fig. (of a person or group of people) struggling hard without support
感奋感奮gan3 fen4moved and inspired/ fired with enthusiasm
振奋振奮zhen4 fen4to stir oneself up/ to raise one's spirits/ to inspire
昂奋昂奮ang2 fen4buoyant/ high-spirited/ vigorous
激奋激奮ji1 fen4aroused/ excited
发奋發奮fa1 fen4to make an effort/ to push for sth/ to work hard
发奋图强發奮圖強fa1 fen4 tu2 qiang2to make an effort to become strong (idiom); determined to do better/ to pull one's socks up




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