
墊 [dian4]


汉字:墊 / 拼音:dian4

diàn pad/ cushion/ mat/ to pad out/ to fill a gap/ to pay for sb/ to advance (money)


卡垫卡墊ka3 dian4(Tibetan) rug/ mat
坐垫坐墊zuo4 dian4cushion/ (motorbike) seat/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
坐厕垫坐廁墊zuo4 ce4 dian4toilet seat
dian4pad/ cushion/ mat/ to pad out/ to fill a gap/ to pay for sb/ to advance (money)
垫上墊上dian4 shang4to pay for sb
垫付墊付dian4 fu4to pay sb else's expense with the expectation of being reimbursed by that person later
垫圈墊圈dian4 juan4to spread litter in a cowshed, pigsty etc
垫圈墊圈dian4 quan1washer (on bolt)/ toilet seat
垫子墊子dian4 zi5cushion/ mat/ pad
垫平墊平dian4 ping2to level (surfaces)
垫底儿墊底兒dian4 di3 r5foundation layer/ underlay/ fig. to lay foundations/ to snack
垫底费墊底費dian4 di3 fei4(finance) deductible/ excess fee
垫支墊支dian4 zhi1to advance funds
垫料墊料dian4 liao4packing material/ lagging/ litter
垫档墊檔dian4 dang4to fill a blank space/ to fill a slot (in a newspaper column, a TV program etc)
垫款墊款dian4 kuan3advance (of funds)
垫江墊江Dian4 jiang1Dianjiang county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
垫江县墊江縣Dian4 jiang1 xian4Dianjiang county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
垫片墊片dian4 pian4spacer/ shim
垫肩墊肩dian4 jian1shoulder pad
垫背墊背dian4 bei4to serve as a sacrificial victim/ to suffer for sb else/ scapegoat/ to share sb's fate
垫脚墊腳dian4 jiao5litter (animal bedding)
垫脚石墊腳石dian4 jiao3 shi2stepping stone/ fig. person used to advance one's career
垫被墊被dian4 bei4mattress
垫补墊補dian4 bu5(coll.) to cover a shortfall by using funds intended for another purpose or by borrowing some money/ (coll.) to snack
垫褥墊褥dian4 ru4cotton-padded mattress
垫高墊高dian4 gao1a support/ to raise/ to bolster/ to jack up
床垫床墊chuang2 dian4mattress/ CL:張|张[zhang1]
座垫座墊zuo4 dian4saddle (of a bicycle)/ seat (of a car or bike)/ chair cushion
弹簧垫圈彈簧墊圈tan2 huang2 dian4 quan1spring washer




2021-05-19, 407👍, 0💬