
卸 [xie4]


汉字:卸 / 拼音:xie4

xiè to unload/ to unhitch/ to remove or strip/ to get rid of


交卸交卸jiao1 xie4to hand over to a successor/ to relinquish one's office
倒戈卸甲倒戈卸甲dao3 ge1 xie4 jia3to lay down arms
倾卸傾卸qing1 xie4to tip/ to dump by tipping from a vehicle
xie4to unload/ to unhitch/ to remove or strip/ to get rid of
卸下卸下xie4 xia4to unload
卸任卸任xie4 ren4to leave office
卸套卸套xie4 tao4to loosen a yoke/ to remove harness (from beast of burden)
卸妆卸妝xie4 zhuang1to remove makeup/ (old) to take off formal dress and ornaments
卸扣卸扣xie4 kou4shackle (U-shaped link)
卸磨杀驴卸磨殺驢xie4 mo4 sha1 lu:2lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom)/ to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful
卸职卸職xie4 zhi2to resign from office/ to dismiss from office
卸肩儿卸肩兒xie4 jian1 r5lit. a weight off one's shoulders/ fig. to resign a post/ to lay down a burden/ to be relieved of a job
卸装卸裝xie4 zhuang1(of an actor) to remove makeup and costume/ (computing) to uninstall/ to unmount
卸货卸貨xie4 huo4to unload/ to discharge cargo
卸责卸責xie4 ze2to avoid responsibility/ to shift the responsibility onto others/ (Tw) to relieve sb of their responsibilities (e.g. upon retirement)
卸载卸載xie4 zai4to disembark/ to off-load cargo/ to uninstall (software)
卸头卸頭xie4 tou2(of a woman) to take off one's head ornaments and jewels
拆卸拆卸chai1 xie4to unload/ to dismantle
推卸推卸tui1 xie4to avoid (esp. responsibility)/ to shift (the blame)/ to pass the buck
脱卸脫卸tuo1 xie4to evade responsibility/ to shirk
自卸车自卸車zi4 xie4 che1dump truck
装卸裝卸zhuang1 xie4to load or unload/ to transfer/ to assemble and disassemble
装卸工裝卸工zhuang1 xie4 gong1docker/ longshoreman



2021-05-09, 320👍, 0💬