
拟 [ni3]


汉字:拟 / 拼音:ni3

doubtful/ suspicious/ variant of 擬|拟[ni3]/ to emulate/ to imitate


ni3doubtful/ suspicious/ variant of 擬|拟[ni3]/ to emulate/ to imitate
大拟啄木鸟大擬啄木鳥da4 ni3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3(bird species of China) great barbet (Megalaima virens)
摹拟摹擬mo2 ni3variant of 模擬|模拟[mo2 ni3]
撰拟撰擬zhuan4 ni3to draft/ to draw up/ to compose (a plan or document)
ni3to plan to/ to draft (a plan)/ to imitate/ to assess/ to compare/ pseudo-
拟人擬人ni3 ren2personification/ anthropomorphism
拟作擬作ni3 zuo4to write in the style of some author/ to write as if from the mouth of sb/ a pastiche
拟具擬具ni3 ju4to draft/ to devise/ to compose
拟古擬古ni3 gu3to emulate a classic/ to work in the style of a classic (author)
拟古之作擬古之作ni3 gu3 zhi1 zuo4a work in a classic style/ a pastiche
拟合擬合ni3 he2to fit (data to a model)/ a (close) fit
拟大朱雀擬大朱雀ni3 da4 zhu1 que4(bird species of China) streaked rosefinch (Carpodacus rubicilloides)
拟定擬定ni3 ding4to draw up/ to draft/ to formulate
拟态擬態ni3 tai4(biol.) mimicry/ (protective) mimicry/ camouflage
拟于不伦擬於不倫ni3 yu2 bu4 lun2to draw an impossible comparison
拟游隼擬游隼ni3 you2 sun3(bird species of China) Barbary falcon (Falco pelegrinoides)
拟球擬球ni3 qiu2(math.) pseudosphere, a surface in ordinary space of constant negative curvature
拟稿擬稿ni3 gao3to draft (a statement)
拟声擬聲ni3 sheng1onomatopoeia
拟声唱法擬聲唱法ni3 sheng1 chang4 fa3scat singing
拟声词擬聲詞ni3 sheng1 ci2onomatopoeia
拟制擬製ni3 zhi4to copy (a model)
拟订擬訂ni3 ding4to draw up (a plan)
拟议擬議ni3 yi4proposal/ recommendation/ to draft
拟阿拖品药物擬阿拖品藥物ni3 a1 tuo1 pin3 yao4 wu4atropinemimetic drug
拟音擬音ni3 yin1to make a sound effect/ sound effect/ (historical linguistics) to reconstruct the sound system of an archaic language
拟卤素擬鹵素ni3 lu3 su4pseudohalogen, e.g. cyanogen (CN)2
斑翅拟蜡嘴雀斑翅擬蠟嘴雀ban1 chi4 ni3 la4 zui3 que4(bird species of China) spot-winged grosbeak (Mycerobas melanozanthos)
斑头绿拟啄木鸟斑頭綠擬啄木鳥ban1 tou2 lu:4 ni3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3(bird species of China) lineated barbet (Megalaima lineata)
曲线拟合曲線擬合qu1 xian4 ni3 he2curve fitting




2021-04-28, 398👍, 0💬