戴盆望天 [dai4 pen2 wang4 tian1]
简体:戴盆望天 / 繁体:戴盆望天 / 拼音:dai4 pen2 wang4 tian1
中文 |
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英文 | lit. viewing the sky with a basin on one's head; it is hard to get a clear view of the sky while carrying a platter on one's head/ fig. it is hard to get on in one's career while encumbered by family obligations/ one can't perform a major task while bothered by other duties |
2021-04-05, 523👍, 0💬
简体:屌爆 / 繁体:屌爆 / 拼音:diao3 bao4
简体:天疱疮 / 繁体:天疱疮 / 拼音:tian1 pao4 chuang1
简体:坠 / 繁体:坠 / 拼音:zhui4
简体:瘿 / 繁体:瘿 / 拼音:ying3
简体:坡县 / 繁体:坡县 / 拼音:Po1 xian4