黑 [Hei1 hei1]
汉字:黑 / 拼音:Hei1 hei1
黑 | |||||
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异体 | 黑 黒 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
一团漆黑 | 一團漆黑 | yi1 tuan2 qi1 hei1 | pitch-black/ (fig.) to be completely in the dark |
一条路走到黑 | 一條路走到黑 | yi1 tiao2 lu4 zou3 dao4 hei1 | lit. to follow one road until dark (idiom)/ fig. to stick to one's ways/ to cling to one's course |
一条道走到黑 | 一條道走到黑 | yi1 tiao2 dao4 zou3 dao4 hei1 | to stick to one's ways/ to cling to one's course |
一黑早 | 一黑早 | yi1 hei1 zao3 | at dawn/ early in the morning |
不管白猫黑猫,捉住老鼠就是好猫 | 不管白貓黑貓,捉住老鼠就是好貓 | bu4 guan3 bai2 mao1 hei1 mao1 , zhuo1 zhu4 lao3 shu3 jiu4 shi4 hao3 mao1 | it doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black; as long as it catches mice it's a good cat (variant of a Sichuanese saying used in a speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1962, usually associated with his economic reforms starting in 1978, in which pragmatism was favored over ideological purity) |
倭黑猩猩 | 倭黑猩猩 | wo1 hei1 xing1 xing5 | bonobo/ pygmy chimpanzee |
傍黑 | 傍黑 | bang4 hei1 | dusk |
则辣黑 | 則辣黑 | Ze2 la4 hei1 | Zerah (name) |
哈马黑拉岛 | 哈馬黑拉島 | Ha1 ma3 hei1 la1 Dao3 | Halmahera, an island of Indonesia |
唱黑脸 | 唱黑臉 | chang4 hei1 lian3 | to play the role of the strict parent (or superior etc) |
塞尔维亚和黑山 | 塞爾維亞和黑山 | Sai1 er3 wei2 ya4 he2 Hei1 shan1 | Serbia and Montenegro (after break-up of Yugoslavia in 1992) |
天下乌鸦一般黑 | 天下烏鴉一般黑 | tian1 xia4 wu1 ya1 yi1 ban1 hei1 | all crows are black (idiom)/ evil people are bad all over the world |
天黑 | 天黑 | tian1 hei1 | to get dark/ dusk |
太阳黑子 | 太陽黑子 | tai4 yang2 hei1 zi3 | sunspot |
太阳黑子周 | 太陽黑子周 | tai4 yang2 hei1 zi3 zhou1 | sunspot cycle |
小黑领噪鹛 | 小黑領噪鶥 | xiao3 hei1 ling3 zao4 mei2 | (bird species of China) lesser necklaced laughingthrush (Garrulax monileger) |
幕后黑手 | 幕後黑手 | mu4 hou4 hei1 shou3 | malign agent who manipulates from behind the scenes/ hidden hand |
往脸上抹黑 | 往臉上抹黑 | wang3 lian3 shang4 mo3 hei1 | to bring shame to/ to smear/ to disgrace |
德黑兰 | 德黑蘭 | De2 hei1 lan2 | Tehran, capital of Iran |
愈描愈黑 | 愈描愈黑 | yu4 miao2 yu4 hei1 | see 越描越黑[yue4 miao2 yue4 hei1] |
慕尼黑 | 慕尼黑 | Mu4 ni2 hei1 | München or Munich, capital of Bavaria, Germany |
打黑 | 打黑 | da3 hei1 | to crack down on illegal activities/ to fight organized crime |
抹黑 | 抹黑 | mo3 hei1 | to discredit/ to defame/ to smear sb's name/ to bring shame upon (oneself or one's family etc)/ to blacken (e.g. commando's face for camouflage)/ to black out or obliterate (e.g. censored words) |
拉黑 | 拉黑 | la1 hei1 | to add sb to one's blacklist (on a cellphone, or in instant messaging software etc)/ abbr. for 拉到黑名單|拉到黑名单 |
扫黑 | 掃黑 | sao3 hei1 | to crack down on illegal activities/ to fight organized crime |
揭黑 | 揭黑 | jie1 hei1 | to uncover (mistakes, corruption etc)/ whistle-blowing |
摸黑 | 摸黑 | mo1 hei1 | to grope about in the dark |
擦黑儿 | 擦黑兒 | ca1 hei1 r5 | (dialect) dusk |
数黄道黑 | 數黃道黑 | shu3 huang2 dao4 hei1 | to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels/ also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄[shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2] |
数黑论白 | 數黑論白 | shu3 hei1 lun4 bai2 | to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels/ also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄[shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2] |
2021-04-20, 868👍, 0💬
简体:懮 / 繁体:懮 / 拼音:you3
简体:安营扎寨 / 繁体:安营扎寨 / 拼音:an1 ying2 zha1 zhai4
简体:卡榫 / 繁体:卡榫 / 拼音:ka3 sun3
简体:韧 / 繁体:韧 / 拼音:ren4
简体:封邑 / 繁体:封邑 / 拼音:feng1 yi4