须 [xu1]
汉字:须 / 拼音:xu1
须 | |||
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异体 | 须 須 鬚 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
不让须眉 | 不讓鬚眉 | bu4 rang4 xu1 mei2 | (idiom) to compare favorably with men in terms of ability, bravery etc/ to be a match for men/ lit. not conceding to men (beard and eyebrows) |
何须 | 何須 | he2 xu1 | there is no need/ why should |
全须全尾儿 | 全鬚全尾兒 | quan2 xu1 quan2 yi3 r5 | (Beijing dialect) intact/ in one piece |
八字胡须 | 八字鬍鬚 | ba1 zi4 hu2 xu1 | mustache shaped like character 八 |
剃须刀 | 剃鬚刀 | ti4 xu1 dao1 | shaver/ razor |
剃须膏 | 剃鬚膏 | ti4 xu1 gao1 | shaving cream |
卷须 | 卷鬚 | juan3 xu1 | tendril |
四大须生 | 四大鬚生 | si4 da4 xu1 sheng1 | Four great beards of Beijing opera, namely: Ma Lianliang 馬連良|马连良, Tan Fuying 譚富英|谭富英, Yang Baosen 楊寶森|杨宝森, Xi Xiaobo 奚嘯伯|奚啸伯 |
巾帼须眉 | 巾幗鬚眉 | jin1 guo2 xu1 mei2 | woman with a manly spirit |
布须曼人 | 布須曼人 | bu4 xu1 man4 ren2 | bushman (African ethnic group) |
必须 | 必須 | bi4 xu1 | to have to/ must/ compulsory/ necessarily |
捋虎须 | 捋虎鬚 | luo1 hu3 xu1 | lit. to stroke the tiger's whiskers/ to do sth very daring |
卷须 | 捲鬚 | juan3 xu1 | tendril |
文须雀 | 文鬚雀 | wen2 xu1 que4 | (bird species of China) bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus) |
根须 | 根鬚 | gen1 xu1 | roots |
横须贺 | 橫須賀 | Heng2 xu1 he4 | Yokosuka (port and navy base in the Tokyo bay) |
横须贺市 | 橫須賀市 | Heng2 xu1 he4 shi4 | Yokosuka city and US naval base to the west of Yokohama, Japan |
溜须拍马 | 溜鬚拍馬 | liu1 xu1 pai1 ma3 | to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants/ to toady/ boot-licking |
无须 | 無須 | wu2 xu1 | need not/ not obliged to/ not necessarily |
牡丹虽好,终须绿叶扶持 | 牡丹雖好,終須綠葉扶持 | mu3 dan5 sui1 hao3 , zhong1 xu1 lu:4 ye4 fu2 chi2 | Although the peony is beautiful, it depends entirely on help from the green leaves (idiom). However brilliant you may be, you can't do anything without support from others. |
臾须 | 臾須 | yu2 xu1 | short period of time/ a moment |
莫须有 | 莫須有 | mo4 xu1 you3 | groundless/ baseless |
蓄须明志 | 蓄鬚明志 | xu4 xu1 ming2 zhi4 | to grow a beard as a symbol of one's determination (as Mei Lanfang 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Mei2 Lan2 fang1] growing a beard and refusing to perform for the Japanese) |
蓝须夜蜂虎 | 藍鬚夜蜂虎 | lan2 xu1 ye4 feng1 hu3 | (bird species of China) blue-bearded bee-eater (Nyctyornis athertoni) |
解铃还须系铃人 | 解鈴還須繫鈴人 | jie3 ling2 hai2 xu1 xi4 ling2 ren2 | lit. whoever hung the bell on the tiger's neck must untie it (idiom)/ fig. whoever started the trouble should end it |
触须 | 觸鬚 | chu4 xu1 | tentacles/ feelers/ antennae |
须 | 須 | xu1 | must/ to have to/ to wait |
须丸 | 須丸 | xu1 wan2 | hematite Fe2O3 |
须弥 | 須彌 | Xu1 mi2 | Mt Meru or Sumeru, sacred mountain in Buddhist and Jain tradition/ Mt Xumi in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia, with many Buddhist cave statues |
须弥山 | 須彌山 | Xu1 mi2 shan1 | Mt Meru or Sumeru, sacred mountain in Buddhist and Jain tradition/ Mt Xumi in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia, with many Buddhist cave statues |
2021-05-10, 444👍, 0💬
简体:奶爸 / 繁体:奶爸 / 拼音:nai3 ba4
简体:供应链 / 繁体:供应链 / 拼音:gong1 ying1 lian4
简体:御赐 / 繁体:御赐 / 拼音:yu4 ci4
简体:鉌 / 繁体:鉌 / 拼音:he2
简体:丢脸 / 繁体:丢脸 / 拼音:diu1 lian3