
鬚 [xu1]


汉字:鬚 / 拼音:xu1

beard/ mustache/ feeler (of an insect etc)/ tassel


不让须眉不讓鬚眉bu4 rang4 xu1 mei2(idiom) to compare favorably with men in terms of ability, bravery etc/ to be a match for men/ lit. not conceding to men (beard and eyebrows)
全须全尾儿全鬚全尾兒quan2 xu1 quan2 yi3 r5(Beijing dialect) intact/ in one piece
八字胡须八字鬍鬚ba1 zi4 hu2 xu1mustache shaped like character 八
剃须刀剃鬚刀ti4 xu1 dao1shaver/ razor
剃须膏剃鬚膏ti4 xu1 gao1shaving cream
卷须卷鬚juan3 xu1tendril
四大须生四大鬚生si4 da4 xu1 sheng1Four great beards of Beijing opera, namely: Ma Lianliang 馬連良|马连良, Tan Fuying 譚富英|谭富英, Yang Baosen 楊寶森|杨宝森, Xi Xiaobo 奚嘯伯|奚啸伯
巾帼须眉巾幗鬚眉jin1 guo2 xu1 mei2woman with a manly spirit
捋虎须捋虎鬚luo1 hu3 xu1lit. to stroke the tiger's whiskers/ to do sth very daring
卷须捲鬚juan3 xu1tendril
文须雀文鬚雀wen2 xu1 que4(bird species of China) bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus)
根须根鬚gen1 xu1roots
溜须拍马溜鬚拍馬liu1 xu1 pai1 ma3to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants/ to toady/ boot-licking
蓄须明志蓄鬚明志xu4 xu1 ming2 zhi4to grow a beard as a symbol of one's determination (as Mei Lanfang 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Mei2 Lan2 fang1] growing a beard and refusing to perform for the Japanese)
蓝须夜蜂虎藍鬚夜蜂虎lan2 xu1 ye4 feng1 hu3(bird species of China) blue-bearded bee-eater (Nyctyornis athertoni)
触须觸鬚chu4 xu1tentacles/ feelers/ antennae
髯须髯鬚ran2 xu1beard/ whiskers
胡须鬍鬚hu2 xu1beard/ CL:根[gen1],綹|绺[liu3]
xu1beard/ mustache/ feeler (of an insect etc)/ tassel
须子鬚子xu1 zi5feelers (zoology)/ tassel (botany)
须毛鬚毛xu1 mao2whiskers/ mustache
须浮鸥鬚浮鷗xu1 fu2 ou1(bird species of China) whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida)
须生鬚生xu1 sheng1see 老生[lao3 sheng1]
须眉鬚眉xu1 mei2man or men (formal)
须发鬚髮xu1 fa4hair and beard
须鲸鬚鯨xu1 jing1baleen whale/ Mysticeti
龙须菜龍鬚菜long2 xu1 cai4asparagus/ (Tw) young shoots of the chayote vine 佛手瓜[fo2 shou3 gua1]



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