
醜 [chou3]


汉字:醜 / 拼音:chou3

chǒu shameful/ ugly/ disgraceful


幺麽小丑么麼小醜yao1 mo2 xiao3 chou3insignificant wretch
儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫兒不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧er2 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2a son won't abandon his mother for being ugly, just as a dog won't abandon its owner for being poor (proverb)
出丑出醜chu1 chou3shameful/ scandalous/ to be humiliated/ to make a fool of sb or oneself/ to make sb lose face
奇丑奇醜qi2 chou3grotesque/ extremely ugly/ hideous
奇丑无比奇醜無比qi2 chou3 wu2 bi3extremely ugly/ incomparably hideous
子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫子不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧zi3 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2see 兒不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧|儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫[er2 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2]
家丑家醜jia1 chou3family scandal/ skeleton in the closet
家丑不可外传家醜不可外傳jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom); fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public
家丑不可外传,流言切莫轻信家醜不可外傳,流言切莫輕信jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2 , liu2 yan2 qie4 mo4 qing1 xin4Don't spread abroad the shame of the family, don't believe rumors lightly. (idiom)/ Don't wash your dirty linen in public, don't listen to others' gossip.
家丑不可外扬家醜不可外揚jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 yang2lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom)/ fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public
矮丑穷矮醜窮ai3 chou3 qiong2(Internet slang) (of a man) unmarriageable (lit. short, ugly and poor)/ opposite: 高富帥|高富帅[gao1 fu4 shuai4]
变丑變醜bian4 chou3to disfigure
chou3shameful/ ugly/ disgraceful
丑事醜事chou3 shi4scandal
丑人多作怪醜人多作怪chou3 ren2 duo1 zuo4 guai4ugly people will do all kinds of weird things to get attention (idiom)
丑八怪醜八怪chou3 ba1 guai4ugly person
丑剧醜劇chou3 ju4absurd drama/ farce/ disgraceful show
丑化醜化chou3 hua4to defame/ to libel/ to defile/ to smear/ to vilify
丑妻近地家中宝醜妻近地家中寶chou3 qi1 jin4 di4 jia1 zhong1 bao3an ugly wife is a treasure at home (idiom)
丑媳妇早晚也得见公婆醜媳婦早晚也得見公婆chou3 xi2 fu4 zao3 wan3 ye3 dei3 jian4 gong1 po2lit. the ugly daughter-in-law must sooner or later meet her parents-in-law (idiom)/ fig. it's not something you can avoid forever
丑小鸭醜小鴨Chou3 Xiao3 ya1"The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen 安徒生[An1 tu2 sheng1]
丑小鸭醜小鴨chou3 xiao3 ya1ugly duckling
丑怪醜怪chou3 guai4grotesque
丑恶醜惡chou3 e4ugly/ repulsive
丑态醜態chou3 tai4shameful performance/ disgraceful situation
丑相醜相chou3 xiang4ugly expression/ unsightly manners
丑闻醜聞chou3 wen2scandal
丑行醜行chou3 xing2scandal
丑诋醜詆chou3 di3to slander
丑话醜話chou3 hua4ugly talk/ vulgarity/ obscenity




2021-05-02, 458👍, 0💬