起 [qi3]
汉字:起 / 拼音:qi3
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
一哄而起 | 一哄而起 | yi1 hong1 er2 qi3 | (of a group of people) to rush into action |
一波未平,一波又起 | 一波未平,一波又起 | yi1 bo1 wei4 ping2 , yi1 bo1 you4 qi3 | before the first wave subsides, a new wave rises (idiom); a new problem arises before the old is solved/ many twists and turns to a story/ one thing after another |
一病不起 | 一病不起 | yi1 bing4 bu4 qi3 | to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom) |
一起 | 一起 | yi1 qi3 | in the same place/ together/ with/ altogether (in total) |
一跃而起 | 一躍而起 | yi1 yue4 er2 qi3 | to jump up suddenly/ to bound up/ to rise up in one bound |
一部二十四史,不知从何说起 | 一部二十四史,不知從何說起 | yi1 bu4 er4 shi2 si4 shi3 , bu4 zhi1 cong2 he2 shuo1 qi3 | It's a long and intricate story, I hardly know where to start. |
不起眼 | 不起眼 | bu4 qi3 yan3 | unremarkable/ nothing out of the ordinary |
不起眼儿 | 不起眼兒 | bu4 qi3 yan3 r5 | erhua variant of 不起眼[bu4 qi3 yan3] |
了不起 | 了不起 | liao3 bu5 qi3 | amazing/ terrific/ extraordinary |
事不关己,高高挂起 | 事不關己,高高掛起 | shi4 bu4 guan1 ji3 , gao1 gao1 gua4 qi3 | to feel unconcerned and let matters rest (idiom) |
人民起义 | 人民起義 | ren2 min2 qi3 yi4 | popular uprising |
人类起源 | 人類起源 | ren2 lei4 qi3 yuan2 | origin of mankind |
仰卧起坐 | 仰臥起坐 | yang3 wo4 qi3 zuo4 | sit-up (physical exercise) |
任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 | 任憑風浪起,穩坐釣魚臺 | ren4 ping2 feng1 lang4 qi3 , wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2 | lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation/ a cool head in a crisis |
伤不起 | 傷不起 | shang1 bu4 qi3 | (slang) it's just the pits!/ so unfair!/ unbearable |
全世界无产者联合起来 | 全世界無產者聯合起來 | quan2 shi4 jie4 wu2 chan3 zhe3 lian2 he2 qi3 lai5 | Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!/ Workers of the world, unite! |
公孙起 | 公孫起 | Gong1 sun1 Qi3 | Gongsun Qi (-258 BC), famous general of Qin 秦國|秦国, the victor at 長平|长平 in 260 BC/ same as Bai Qi 白起 |
再起 | 再起 | zai4 qi3 | to arise again/ to make a comeback/ resurgence |
凸起 | 凸起 | tu1 qi3 | convex/ protruding/ to protrude/ to bulge/ to buckle upwards |
勃起 | 勃起 | bo2 qi3 | erection/ to have an erection |
勃起功能障碍 | 勃起功能障礙 | bo2 qi3 gong1 neng2 zhang4 ai4 | erectile dysfunction (ED) |
勤俭起家 | 勤儉起家 | qin2 jian3 qi3 jia1 | to rise up by thrift and hard work (idiom) |
勾起 | 勾起 | gou1 qi3 | to evoke/ to induce/ to call to mind/ to pick up with a hook |
升起 | 升起 | sheng1 qi3 | to raise/ to hoist/ to rise |
南昌起义 | 南昌起義 | Nan2 chang1 Qi3 yi4 | Nanchang Uprising, 1st August 1927, the beginning of military revolt by the Communists in the Chinese Civil War |
卷起 | 卷起 | juan3 qi3 | variant of 捲起|卷起[juan3 qi3] |
另起炉灶 | 另起爐灶 | ling4 qi3 lu2 zao4 | lit. to set up a separate kitchen (idiom); to start from scratch/ back to square one/ to start of on a new path |
吊起 | 吊起 | diao4 qi3 | to hoist |
吴起 | 吳起 | Wu2 Qi3 | Wu Qi (440-381 BC), military leader and politician of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), author of Wuzi 吳子|吴子[Wu2 zi3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1] |
吴起 | 吳起 | Wu2 qi3 | Wuqi county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi |
2021-04-28, 574👍, 0💬
简体:朱祁镇 / 繁体:朱祁镇 / 拼音:Zhu1 Qi2 zhen4
简体:仁怀 / 繁体:仁怀 / 拼音:Ren2 huai2
简体:昔年 / 繁体:昔年 / 拼音:xi1 nian2
简体:初一 / 繁体:初一 / 拼音:chu1 yi1
简体:及第 / 繁体:及第 / 拼音:ji2 di4