
赫 [He4 he4]


汉字:赫 / 拼音:He4 he4

surname He
awe-inspiring/ abbr. for 赫茲|赫兹[he4 zi1], hertz (Hz)


兆赫兆赫zhao4 he4megahertz
别赫捷列夫別赫捷列夫Bie2 he4 jie2 lie4 fu1Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), Russian neurologist and psychiatrist
千赫千赫qian1 he4kilohertz
千赫兹千赫茲qian1 he4 zi1kilohertz/ kHz
博尔赫斯博爾赫斯Bo2 er3 he4 si1Jorge Luis Borges
卡塔赫纳卡塔赫納Ka3 ta3 he4 na4Cartagena
哥德巴赫猜想哥德巴赫猜想Ge1 de2 ba1 he4 cai1 xiang3the Goldbach conjecture in number theory
埃森纳赫埃森納赫Ai1 sen1 na4 he4Eisenach (German city)
尼赫鲁尼赫魯Ni2 he4 lu3Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964), Indian politician, first prime minister 1947-1964
屈伦博赫屈倫博赫Qu1 lun2 bo2 he4Culemborg, city in the Netherlands
巴赫巴赫Ba1 he4Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German composer
恩斯赫德恩斯赫德En1 si1 he4 de2Enschede, city in the Netherlands
拉法赫拉法赫La1 fa3 he4Rafah, city in Palestine
拉赫曼尼诺夫拉赫曼尼諾夫La1 he4 man4 ni2 nuo4 fu1Rachmaninoff or Rachmaninov (name)/ Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), Russian composer and pianist
斯文·赫定斯文·赫定Si1 wen2 · He4 ding4Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰
沙姆沙伊赫沙姆沙伊赫Sha1 mu3 Sha1 yi1 he4Sharm el-Sheikh, city in Egypt
法塔赫法塔赫Fa3 ta3 he4Fatah, Palestinian organization
法赫德法赫德Fa3 he4 de2King Fahd of Saudi Arabia
波士尼亚与赫塞哥维纳波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納Bo1 shi4 ni2 ya4 yu3 He4 se4 ge1 wei2 na4Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tw)
波赫波赫Bo1 He4(Tw) abbr. for 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納|波士尼亚与赫塞哥维纳[Bo1 shi4 ni2 ya4 yu3 He4 se4 ge1 wei2 na4] Bosnia and Herzegovina
泽布吕赫澤布呂赫Ze2 bu4 lu:3 he4Zeebrugge (port city in Belgium)
烜赫烜赫xuan3 he4famous/ prestigious
烜赫一时烜赫一時xuan3 he4 yi1 shi2to enjoy a short-lived fame or position of power
煊赫煊赫xuan1 he4see 烜赫[xuan3 he4]
瓦赫基尔河瓦赫基爾河Wa3 he4 ji1 er3 He2Vakhsh river (upper reaches of Amu Darya)
百万赫兹百萬赫茲bai3 wan4 he4 zi1megahertz (physics, electronics)
纳赫雄納赫雄Na4 he4 xiong2Nahshon (name)
圣赫勒拿聖赫勒拿Sheng4 he4 lei1 na2St Helena
圣赫勒拿岛聖赫勒拿島Sheng4 he4 le4 na2 Dao3Saint Helena
舒马赫舒馬赫Shu1 ma3 he4Michael Schumacher (1969-), former German racing driver




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