
賭 [du3]


汉字:賭 / 拼音:du3

to bet/ to gamble


十赌九输十賭九輸shi2 du3 jiu3 shu1lit. in gambling, nine times out of ten you lose (idiom)/ fig. gambling is a mug's game
吃喝嫖赌吃喝嫖賭chi1 he1 piao2 du3to go dining, wining, whoring and gambling/ to lead a life of dissipation
打赌打賭da3 du3to bet/ to make a bet/ a wager
签赌簽賭qian1 du3to gamble
聚赌聚賭ju4 du3communal gambling
du3to bet/ to gamble
赌上一局賭上一局du3 shang4 yi1 ju2to engage in a game of chance/ to gamble/ to make a bet
赌博賭博du3 bo2to gamble
赌咒賭咒du3 zhou4to swear to God/ to cross one's heart
赌咒发誓賭咒發誓du3 zhou4 fa1 shi4to vow
赌城賭城du3 cheng2casino town/ nickname for Las Vegas
赌场賭場du3 chang3casino
赌客賭客du3 ke4gambler
赌局賭局du3 ju2game of chance/ gambling party/ gambling joint
赌徒賭徒du3 tu2gambler
赌棍賭棍du3 gun4hardened gambler/ professional gambler
赌气賭氣du3 qi4to act in a fit of pique/ to get in a huff/ to be peeved
赌注賭注du3 zhu4stake (in a gamble)/ (what is at) stake
赌烂賭爛du3 lan4(Tw) (slang) to be ticked off by (sb or sth)/ to be pissed at (sb or sth)/ to be in a foul mood/ down in the dumps/ (from Taiwanese 揬
赌球賭球du3 qiu2(ball) sports betting
赌窝賭窩du3 wo1gamblers' den/ illegal casino
赌资賭資du3 zi1money to gamble with
赌钱賭錢du3 qian2to gamble
赌斗賭鬭du3 dou4to fight
赌鬼賭鬼du3 gui3gambling addict
愿赌服输願賭服輸yuan4 du3 fu2 shu1lit. if you agree to bet you must accept to lose/ fig. you bet, you pay



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