
賬 [zhang4]


汉字:賬 / 拼音:zhang4

zhàng account/ bill/ debt/ CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3]


付账付賬fu4 zhang4to settle an account
倒账倒賬dao3 zhang4unrecoverable debt/ bad debt/ to evade debt
借账借賬jie4 zhang4to borrow money/ to take a loan
分账分賬fen1 zhang4to share profits (or debt)
名义账户名義賬戶ming2 yi4 zhang4 hu4nominal bank account
呆账呆賬dai1 zhang4bad debt
报账報賬bao4 zhang4to report expenses/ to submit accounts
坏账壞賬huai4 zhang4bad debt
对账對賬dui4 zhang4to verify accounting records/ also written 對帳|对帐[dui4 zhang4]
平账平賬ping2 zhang4(accounting) to balance the books
后账後賬hou4 zhang4undisclosed account/ to settle matters later/ to blame sb after the event
应付账款應付賬款ying1 fu4 zhang4 kuan3accounts payable
应收账款應收賬款ying1 shou1 zhang4 kuan3accounts receivable
抵账抵賬di3 zhang4to repay a debt in kind or by labor
拆账拆賬chai1 zhang4to work in an enterprise for a share of the profits
欠账欠賬qian4 zhang4to owe a debt/ debt/ obligation
死账死賬si3 zhang4dormant bank account
冲账沖賬chong1 zhang4(accounting) to strike a balance/ to reverse an entry/ to write off
流水账流水賬liu2 shui3 zhang4day-to-day account/ current account
混账混賬hun4 zhang4shameful/ absolutely disgraceful!
煞账煞賬sha1 zhang4to settle an account
烂账爛賬lan4 zhang4accounts in a rotten state
秋后算账秋後算賬qiu1 hou4 suan4 zhang4lit. to settle accounts after autumn/ settle scores at an opportune moment (idiom)
算账算賬suan4 zhang4(accounting) to balance the books/ to do the accounts/ (fig.) to settle an account/ to get one's revenge
糊涂账糊塗賬hu2 tu5 zhang4muddled accounts/ a mess of bookkeeping
结账結賬jie2 zhang4to pay the bill/ to settle accounts/ also written 結帳|结帐
翻老账翻老賬fan1 lao3 zhang4to turn over old accounts/ fig. to revive old quarrels/ to reopen old wounds
翻旧账翻舊賬fan1 jiu4 zhang4to turn over old accounts/ fig. to revive old quarrels/ to reopen old wounds
老账老賬lao3 zhang4lit. old account/ old debt/ fig. old scores to settle/ old quarrels/ old grudge
旧账舊賬jiu4 zhang4lit. old account/ old debt/ fig. old scores to settle/ old quarrels/ old grudge




2021-05-19, 531👍, 0💬