
賜 [ci4]


汉字:賜 / 拼音:ci4

to confer/ to bestow/ to grant/ Taiwan pr. [si4]


天赐天賜tian1 ci4bestowed by heaven
御赐御賜yu4 ci4to be bestowed, conferred, or granted by the emperor
恩赐恩賜en1 ci4favor/ to give charity to sb out of pity
拜你所赐拜你所賜bai4 ni3 suo3 ci4(derog.) this is all thanks to you!/ well, thanks a lot!
端木赐端木賜Duan1 mu4 Ci4Duanmu Ci (520 BC-446 BC), disciple of Confucius, also known as Zi Gong 子貢|子贡[Zi3 Gong4]
ci4to confer/ to bestow/ to grant/ Taiwan pr. [si4]
赐予賜予ci4 yu3to grant/ to bestow
赐姓賜姓ci4 xing4to bestow a surname (of emperor conferring favor on ethnic group)
赐死賜死ci4 si3to commit suicide on the orders of a sovereign (old)
赐福賜福ci4 fu2to bless
赐给賜給ci4 gei3to bestow/ to give
赐与賜與ci4 yu3variant of 賜予|赐予[ci4 yu3]
赏赐賞賜shang3 ci4to bestow/ to confer (a reward for service)/ a reward
颁赐頒賜ban1 ci4to award (a prize)/ to confer on sb/ to confer upon by authority



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