
豪 [hao2]


汉字:豪 / 拼音:hao2

háo grand/ heroic


伍德豪斯伍德豪斯Wu3 de2 hao2 si1Woodhouse or Wodehouse (name)
亿万富豪億萬富豪yi4 wan4 fu4 hao2multi-millionaire
切特豪斯学校切特豪斯學校Qie1 te4 hao2 si1 xue2 xiao4Charterhouse public school (UK)
包豪斯包豪斯Bao1 hao2 si1Bauhaus (German school of modern architecture and design)
吴建豪吳建豪Wu2 Jian4 hao2Wu Jianhao or Vanness Wu (1978-), Taiwan pop star and actor, F4 band member
土豪土豪tu3 hao2local tyrant/ local strong man/ (slang) nouveau riche
土豪劣绅土豪劣紳tu3 hao2 lie4 shen1local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); dominant local mafia
富豪富豪fu4 hao2rich and powerful person
敦豪快递敦豪快遞dun1 hao2 kuai4 di4DHL
敦豪快递公司敦豪快遞公司Dun1 hao2 kuai4 di4 gong1 si1DHL
文豪文豪wen2 hao2literary giant/ great writer/ eminent writer
李国豪李國豪Li3 Guo2 hao2Brandon Lee (1965-1993), American actor, son of Bruce Lee
林书豪林書豪Lin2 Shu1 hao2Jeremy Lin (1988-), Taiwanese-American professional basketball player (NBA)
沃克斯豪尔沃克斯豪爾Wo4 ke4 si1 hao2 er3Vauxhall (English car brand and city)
粗豪粗豪cu1 hao2straightforward/ forthright
绿林豪客綠林豪客lu:4 lin2 hao2 ke4bold hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in Robin Hood style)
自豪自豪zi4 hao2proud (of one's achievements etc)
自豪感自豪感zi4 hao2 gan3pride in sth/ self-esteem
艾森豪威尔艾森豪威爾Ai4 sen1 hao2 wei1 er3Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), US army general and politician, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II, US President 1953-1961
万豪萬豪Wan4 hao2Marriott International (hotel chain)
hao2grand/ heroic
豪伊杜·比豪尔豪伊杜·比豪爾Hao2 yi1 du4 · Bi3 hao2 er3Hajdú-Bihar province of east Hungary on the border with Romania
豪伊杜·比豪尔州豪伊杜·比豪爾州Hao2 yi1 du4 · Bi4 hao2 er3 zhou1Hajdú-Bihar county in east Hungary on the border with Romania, capital Debrecen 德布勒森
豪侠豪俠hao2 xia2brave and chivalrous
豪杰豪傑hao2 jie2hero/ towering figure
豪壮豪壯hao2 zhuang4magnificent/ heroic
豪奢豪奢hao2 she1extravagant/ luxurious
豪宅豪宅hao2 zhai2grand residence/ mansion
豪富豪富hao2 fu4rich and powerful/ rich and influential person/ big shot
豪强豪強hao2 qiang2despot/ tyrant/ bully




2021-05-04, 399👍, 0💬