
術 [shu4 zhu2]


汉字:術 / 拼音:shu4 zhu2

shù method/ technique
zhú various genera of flowers of Asteracea family (daisies and chrysanthemums), including Atractylis lancea


不学无术不學無術bu4 xue2 wu2 shu4without learning or skills (idiom); ignorant and incompetent
中国文学艺术界联合会中國文學藝術界聯合會Zhong1 guo2 Wen2 xue2 Yi4 shu4 jie4 Lian2 he2 hui4China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)/ abbr. to 文聯|文联
中国美术馆中國美術館Zhong1 guo2 Mei3 shu4 guan3China National Art Gallery
中等技术学校中等技術學校zhong1 deng3 ji4 shu4 xue2 xiao4technical middle school/ polytechnic
九章算术九章算術Jiu3 zhang1 Suan4 shu4The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art
交换技术交換技術jiao1 huan4 ji4 shu4switching technology
人流手术人流手術ren2 liu2 shou3 shu4an abortion/ abbr. of 人工流產手術|人工流产手术
人海战术人海戰術ren2 hai3 zhan4 shu4(military) human wave attack
人生短暂,学术无涯人生短暫,學術無涯ren2 sheng1 duan3 zan4 , xue2 shu4 wu2 ya2Life is short, learning is limitless/ Ars longa, vita brevis
仁心仁术仁心仁術ren2 xin1 ren2 shu4benevolent heart and skillful execution (idiom, from Mencius); charitable in thought and deed
仁术仁術ren2 shu4kindness/ benevolence/ to govern in humanitarian way
信息技术信息技術xin4 xi1 ji4 shu4information technology/ IT
信息与通讯技术信息與通訊技術xin4 xi1 yu3 tong1 xun4 ji4 shu4information and communication technology, ICT
催眠术催眠術cui1 mian2 shu4hypnotism/ hypnotherapy/ mesmerism
传心术傳心術chuan2 xin1 shu4telepathy
传输技术傳輸技術chuan2 shu1 ji4 shu4transmission technology
克隆技术克隆技術ke4 long2 ji4 shu4cloning technology
兵器术兵器術bing1 qi4 shu4martial arts involving weapons
再造手术再造手術zai4 zao4 shou3 shu4reconstructive surgery
冠状动脉旁路移植手术冠狀動脈旁路移植手術guan1 zhuang4 dong4 mai4 pang2 lu4 yi2 zhi2 shou3 shu4coronary bypass operation
冠状动脉旁通手术冠狀動脈旁通手術guan1 zhuang4 dong4 mai4 pang2 tong1 shou3 shu4coronary bypass operation
分身乏术分身乏術fen1 shen1 fa2 shu4to be up to one's ears in work (idiom)/ to be unable to attend to other things at the same time
剖宫产手术剖宮產手術pou1 gong1 chan3 shou3 shu4Cesarean section operation
剖腹产手术剖腹產手術pou1 fu4 chan3 shou3 shu4Cesarean section operation
剑术劍術jian4 shu4swordsmanship
功能磁共振成像术功能磁共振成像術gong1 neng2 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4 shu4functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
加州技术学院加州技術學院Jia1 zhou1 Ji4 shu4 Xue2 yuan4California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/ also written 加州理工學院|加州理工学院
包皮环切术包皮環切術bao1 pi2 huan2 qie1 shu4circumcision
北京艺术学院北京藝術學院Bei3 jing1 Yi4 shu4 Xue2 yuan4Beijing Academy of Fine Arts
区域网路技术區域網路技術qu1 yu4 wang3 lu4 ji4 shu4LAN technology




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